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Visiting local lodges within your community

Dontrell Stroman

Premium Member
I can't be the only one that has a lodge within maybe 15 minutes from my house and have never visited it. The lodge I was raised in is over 30 minutes away. I have had intentions on visiting since I moved to my current home, but have never got around to do it. It saddens me to know these brothers are low on members and the only few left are in their later years. I'm very fascinated with this lodge due to the rich history it has. I was speaking with one of the brothers in the lodge yesterday and he was shared a couple of stories with me about how this lodge played an important role during the times of segregation. Not to mention this lodge has been deemed historic by the US National Register of Historic Places. Although I will not be demitting from my home lodge, I have made it a goal to visit and assist these brothers in whatever they need. As we all know membership is declining within freemasonry, we should look beyond just our home lodge and see the craft as a whole.


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