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Registered User
Greetings all,

I am BrotherPHA, I’m a Master Mason going on two years now under the Prince Hall umbrella. My lodge is fairly small and we don’t have much members to fill offices. In order for us to open the lodge we normally get help from brothers of neighboring lodges. My dilemma is each time we have elections for office my WM would appoint new members to an office and surpass me. Members that came in to the lodge after me. The first year I let it slide because I was new myself but there were vacancies he could have assigned me too. The last election ended and he did the same thing. I’m starting to take it personal now, and I’m not really feeling the brotherly love in the lodge anymore.
so I ask the question what should I do?


Premium Member
First of all, you should ask to meet with him privately. Ask him why you've been passed over. If his answer isn't one that restores your faith in your lodge, perhaps you need to look for another lodge in your area that's a better fit for you.


Registered User
My Brother, unfortunately, TITLES always seem to dictate who a True Mason is, but, this is not necessary. Being present and accountable for your Lodge, be it, visiting the sick, maintaining your building, doing much-needed committee work, or being part of the Degree Team, are some great ways to get noticed, and will give you a greater appreciation for the Craft. Don't be discouraged, and remember, absent the tiniest cog, no machine can operate properly. We all have a place in this Great Fraternity. Peace


Registered User
First of all, you should ask to meet with him privately. Ask him why you've been passed over. If his answer isn't one that restores your faith in your lodge, perhaps you need to look for another lodge in your area that's a better fit for you.
Thank you Brother, I appreciate your reply


Registered User
My Brother, unfortunately, TITLES always seem to dictate who a True Mason is, but, this is not necessary. Being present and accountable for your Lodge, be it, visiting the sick, maintaining your building, doing much-needed committee work, or being part of the Degree Team, are some great ways to get noticed, and will give you a greater appreciation for the Craft. Don't be discouraged, and remember, absent the tiniest cog, no machine can operate properly. We all have a place in this Great Fraternity. Peace
Thank you Brother, I appreciate your reply


Premium Member
My Brother, unfortunately, TITLES always seem to dictate who a True Mason is, but, this is not necessary.

What makes a mason for me is how he acts and what he says and how he says it. Nothing to do with titles, that's often about rank and not the man. I will also say this, we have several MWPGMs who I think are much better masons now than they were when they were Grand Masters. Great to see; that even a GM can (and should) develop himself more.