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  • Brother, can you give me legal information about the military and freemasonry? Does it make any difference if a recruit is mason or not when into the recruiting process? What about is a soldier wants to become freemason? Does he has to be military official?
    Hello my dear
    How are you doing? Am majorlisa by name .please i will like to discuss something important with you please contact me here (
    Hey Buddy, If you ever need to get in touch with me my home phone number is (502) 365-4403. My cell phone number is (502) 468-9575. Take care.
    Hey Bro...Lewis-Parkland lodge is meeting tonight if you can make it. Supper at 1830 and meeting at 1930.
    hello can you assist me in becoming a member please, i'm very serious please thanks
    If you want some of the goombas I can do them in color with the symbols. If so what symbols besides the compas/square with the g in the middle ie york rite or scottish rite, shriner, knights templar or others?
    I am From the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of NM
    I belong to St. John's Lodge #6
    I've been looking through my by/laws of both lodge and Grand Lodge for information pertaining to switching from PHA to AF&AM. Ive asked around and I'm not getting much help I was wondering if you knew anything about how to go about this?
    Greetings Brother,
    I was wondering do you belong to the Grand Lodge of New Mexico?
    I am stationed in Clovis, NM
    Yes I do. I am a member of Cerrillos #19. What branch are you in?
    I appreciate your comments. I have had some (not many) ideas of my own. And I am not ashamed at promoting some other man's ideas. I am sorry that the thread was shut down. There are so many men in Masonry, who are opposed to change, it is sad
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