It's the same with the founding fathers... no one can sugar coat that many of them, though masons, did own slaves. It's a dark part of our history, but what is worse is that there are those who still perpetuate racism even still today within the lodges.
One brother shared a story with me about how when he petitioned a lodge, because of his Native American heritage and darker skin tone, it was suggested he consider the Prince Hall lodge.
Though prince hall has a rich heritage and I in no way believe they should disband, I am saddened that there was even a need for them because if regular lodges were living the ideals of freemasonry, they would have never been needed.
The fact that we still can't meet as brothers on the level speaks volumes... and freemasonry will continue to decline because the younger generation sees the hypocrisy.
It's time for brothers to start making more noise... like brother Charles Harper.
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When passing judgement like that, it is important to take the time period into consideration. Times were different back then in the south...everybody was a racist. Freemasonry in America was in the dark ages, and Albert Pike was a huge contributor to resurrecting the fraternity. All masons, wether we like him or not, owe him a great debt of gratitude.
While off topic, the question was asked:
I'm personally more of an Albert Mackey guy myself.
Brother RyanC your correct.Brother Mindovermatter Ace..Astounded by your theory there...Brother tldubb ,appreciate bringing the brother up to speed.Spot on. I almost fell out my chair. My parents marched with Martin Luther King in Albany,Ga back in the day anyways back on topic. Brother jamie.guinn I was almost disturbed by your statement until you answered the question and I read more into what you were saying.Because the brother ,Mr.Pike didn't live it though he spoke it well like many brothers on both sides.Like the religious man who can tell you all about the Bible but it has no effect on him personally still playing with his demons.Get the point? A divided house will not stand and yes hypocrisy is an evil double edged sword. We as Masons stand on morals and when you take that away I will no longer would want to be in a social club of hate,contention and living in the past while dying in the future. How can you defend a man who is morally dead unless your as how they say two of a kind? Exactly you can't. Numerous big words and his accomplishments or mental tact in Masonry can't excuse what he is and the question was is he more harm or good.Any Mason worth his salt will call it for what it is. I see many other of you brothers defending a morally dead man. What does that say of yourself and our craft? Do you think because a man has helped the cause but yet hates his brother a success story? An open racist he was and died just the same. The truth has fallen many of a man greater than him or any of us for that matter. By what? That littlest member between our cheeks. A great destroyer of man. Just run out there and spout something stupid if your a man of position and see how well you fare. Not good so don't do it.Again I say...Behold how good and pleasant is it for brethren to dwell together in peace and if we are a craft ruled by the Bible let us not forget that includes the black,white,brown and yellow. Hopefully when my child enters the craft it'll be different. I pray. All have a blessed and prosperous day and may the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows....SMIB
Demitrius N. Daniels
Colorado Springs,Co