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Complaint Department

6229 MAC

Registered User
Be patient and understanding with complainers in your life. See them not as an annoyance, but someone who is hurting and in need of relief. You may not know how to fix them or their situation, but you can listen with care and lend a helping hand. People do not want to be fixed, but they do want to be heard with empathetic ears.

Complainers can become a nuisance or their pent up energy can be channeled into productivity. The biggest complainers can become your most driven leaders. But it requires coaching and leading on your part. People are where you have led them. Anyone can ignore or isolate a complainer, but skilled leaders know how to appreciate and capitalize on those that boldly express themselves.

Listening to complaints may be the springboard for improving a process or attitude in your lodge. There is normally a better way to do something, so listen to those who are in the middle of the work. Grassroots ideas are usually the best ideas. Bad news needs to travel fast, so encourage rapid complaints from those around you. Let complaints become a catalyst for change. It may just make a difference...:3: