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Craft ritual


Premium Member
Curious. So schools of instruction don't occur locally in your jurisdiction? How would that translate into fundraising?

Freemason Connect HD


Registered User
Hello brethren

My lodge holds a lodge of instruction where we practice ritual, when an installed officer doesn't attend the junior brethren take his place, this making a start on learning the ritual from that position.
We pass the charity column as part of the evening as we would in a regular meeting thus raising charity funds.


My Freemasonry HD

Blake Bowden

Staff Member
What do the brothers here think of having special craft ritual classes, to develop and improve ritual but done as a fun evening, with EA,s FCs upwards,

Could it be a great way to improve and learn more of the ritual, and perhaps make it donations based, to perhaps raise funds for the charity???

Freemason Connect HD

Sounds awesome!