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Difference between Red stone, and Blue...


Registered User
Looking into buying a used gold ring, and noticed some have red stones, and some blue or even black. What does the different colors signify?


Registered User
I went with yellow gold and the RED stone !!!! Semper Fi for life. Also because I will be going through initiation in the Royal Arch on Jan. 10th. Red house


KOP Council director / Lodge instructor
Premium Member
I have one in each red and blue in color
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Brother JC

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
I'm only on a computer, I don't own a cell phone. what I'd like is for the list of stuff to show up like I see others, like yourself.
Sounds like you need to go to profile>edit signature. That's where all my lodges are listed.

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Brother JC

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
The ring I have is 60-70 years old, red-stoned, and I know the original owner was GLNC, so that doesn't fit that theory.

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KOP Council director / Lodge instructor
Premium Member
From what I was instructed you may use a colored stone of your choice it's the emblem displayed that will determine which house you are representing , as far as it being a un-affiliated or PHA thing , I've seen brothers from both sides with both colors , it's a personal preference


Registered User
Red seems to be less common, at least these days, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it. Someplace (I forget where), I even saw a green stone. Now THAT stood out.