go to our website.................mwphgltx.org...........there is a roster of Lodges here in Texas and abroad that are under the jurisdiction of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas..............however, I really wish you would consider the advice we gave you on a previous thread-----WAIT UNTIL YOU GET STATIONED AND DONE WITH BOOT CAMP.........MASONRY WILL BE HERE.........This isnt something you do when rushed. You need to allocate time for the petitioning process, and if accepted, time for you to complete your degree work. Each Lodge varies with its time when doing the work. I think you will be in a MUCH better position after you're done with Boot Camp. Trust me, you WILL DEFINITELY see and meet Prince Hall Masons in the Military......you will have NO problem with that......remain humble, get to know the Brothers, and that will be a better fit for you, as they may be closer to your age............MORE IMPORTANTLY, it will give you time to spend time with your father and fellowship before you leave, without arguing or debating about Masonry...............you will leave as a Boy, and RETURN A MAN................JUST MY TWO CENTS............THINK AND PRAY, AND ALLOW GOD TO BE YOUR GUIDE............MASONRY ISN'T SOMETHING YOU JOIN TO PROVE A POINT TO YOUR FATHER. Doing that right now JUST to stand up to him will only create discord in your family.......and THAT is something Masonry isnt designed to do.......................consider my advice, and take your time...............BRO. JONES