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Movie Quote Game


Founding Member
Premium Member
Why is it not coming up in google or IBDM?

no I do not spell check my quotes they come straight from the lame brain on my shoulders.


Founding Member
Premium Member
are you gonna give another clue??? This is not how you play Scott go check the rules.


Founding Member
Premium Member
and that stinkin name game is cathing up to us we got move move move so move it Pyle!


Registered User
no...last clue.

some of the notable cast members:

Randy Quaid
Mr. T
Bobcat Goldthwait (voice)
Alex Winter (bill and teds )


Premium Member
Premium Member
OK, I'll giver a try.

Cowboy: Only way to get better food around here is by shooting Bolivar. And another thing, Bol, I want you to quit whackin' that dinner bell for supper. You can hit it at noon if you want to, but lay off doin' it in the evenin'. See, a man with any sense at all can tell when it's sundown, without you whackin' that bell.

Cook: I can whack that bell if I want too.


Founding Member
Premium Member
Greatest book I ever read, Lonesome Dove. Every dog I have had for a while has been named after characters of that book.

Great Quote Brother.
Let me think a minute on mine