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The importance of the Master

Virgin Islands Brother

Registered User
Brethren, I come to you for some advice. Maybe I just blowing off steam. I am the secretary of my lodge this year. Although I did not want the position, I took it because I knew I needed to accept for the benefit of the lodge. Prior to this position, I sat on the side and watched my lodge thrive and grow. I had fun. The master was a 60 year old man who knew how to bring younger people together. We enjoyed fellowships well beyond our once a month agreement. We thrived. However, his kind heart made him blind to two distinct problems-his SW and his JW.

His SW possessed a confidence level
that most considered arrogance; however, the brother also possessed noble characteristics. In view of this, the negative disposition that reared its head from time to time was overlooked. The JW had one glaring problem-the inability to stay sober. At one time he came to lodge so inebriated that he was forced to sit on the side.

Nonetheless, we still grew and all seemed well. It seemed well until the vibrant year went into darkness. In darkness we began to notice the change. The new master called for no fellowship events, always provided a reason why he could not attend fellowships organized by other brothers, and definitely gave the impression that his schedule was too hectic to be with us outside of lodge. Additionally, this same SW, who once complained about the sobriety of the JW, and said he would not make him SW, did just that. It also became clear that the new master had not done the work necessary to initiate, pass or raise. This was evidenced at the first raising where he passed the duty to a PM. Then he hid the same for a passing. These were both done by special d..... In darkness. Me being me, I was honest with the master about how his actions were perceived. He chastised me.

Now I am officially secretary and I watched a startling trend this year. I am Consistently making entries of acting this and acting that. The brethren always had an excuse as to why they couldn't come. At least the acting brethren were from our lodge. Then, I began to notice another trend. If members from our mother lodge were not present, we would not have been able to open and close. Because now, brethren just refused to come altogether. As secretary, I reached out to these men. I dragged the reason out of them. It was indeed the master and his perceived arrogance. Armed with this info., but not letting the master know what the brethren felt, I urged him to reach
out to his officers. He procrastinated, and did this entirely too late. This entire year has been a dud. A grand
waste of time. We open, read minutes and close. Brethren, including myself, refuse to bring our friends or family into this environment. Now, the same guy who has shown up to lodge too inebriated to do work is slated to be master. I know that will be the last nail. I, who is being asked to be secretary again, will not do so. It is clear that we are on the brink of closing because of the decisions made to promote those who were clearly not ready. Personally, as an individual who has supervised and managed human capital, I am very sensitive to the need to display leadership to the individuals that look to you for it. I cannot subject myself to an individual who is so drunk that he intermingles the signs of the degrees. I can't watch it, nor subject myself to it. Unlike others, because I tend to be too forthright with my thoughts, I will let the brethren no exactly why I cannot be in such an environment. Some may say that the PMs should become involved. Well, the master, then SW definitely gave them the impression that they were not needed. The methods of communicating this sentiment were definitely inappropriate. Unable to keep my mouth shut, I let the then SW know that. Now, we suffer. As secretary, I reached out to PMs and indeed they are unwilling to expose themselves to his ego. What a quagmire. In short order, I will become an adjoining member of the mother lodge. There are four other brothers of the same feeling. When this happens, knowing myself, I will soon leave the lodge that once displayed a vibrancy that gave the impression of a long life. My mind is somewhat made up. However, as I have grown to respect the opinions on this forum, I hope that someone can offer something. Something.
I have heard about the eb and flow of membership. This situation is quite unique. Why? Because the now JW has just up and disappeared. He relocated and told no one about his
Plans. (That's for another topic.)

Brethren, I urge you not to socially promote. If an SW is not ready, please go ahead and vote for the JW or a PM. One disgruntled man is not with it. To spare feelings, because a brother may not return, because he feels he is owed something, is not worth losing the many good men who volunteer their time, and will refuse to subject themselves to Masters who are not leaders and don't possess the ability to see or address their shortcomings..

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Premium Member
That is a hard predicament youre in. I wish you and your brethren wisdom and a good solution. Do you want to leave your lodge? Is that actually the solution? Can grandlodges help here? I dont know the solution, but your story is a good reminder to be watchful in my own lodge. Im blessed with how things go, i want to keep it that way. Its no guarantee it will. Good luck brother, this must be a hard thing to deal with.

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Virgin Islands Brother

Registered User
Brother, I appreciate your response. I really don't want to leave. However, I'm being selfish for the first time. I am so wrapped up in trying to convince people to come to lodge and keep these doors open that I have stopped studying. I have stopped learning. All we discuss are the problems. As a collective, learning is absent. We discuss problems and personalities. That's not what I came to the craft for. I feel myself slipping back into the the person that existed prior to masonry and I can't have that. I love the effect masonry has had on me. I also love the effect the brothers have had on me. Can grand lodge help? I'm sure something is coming soon. Will it come soon enough? Who knows.

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I'm sorry to hear this brother...I've found that one bad year can easily undo the hard work of ten good years. People vote with their feet and if they don't like the direction the lodge is going the attendance will reflect that.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem that there is much you can do for this year and I'd be surprised if your GL did anything to intervene. If it were me and my lodge then I'd find some like minded brethren and make plans to elect the most capable brethren into the three chairs when elections roll around.


Premium Member
I am very sorry to hear it too. It's easy to pontificate from the comfort behind a computer while having a good lodge to call home, so I hope I don't come across as insensitive. It sounds cliche to say don't give up. If it's possible and you are up to it maybe you should consider yourself as a possible candidate inline. Until then, maybe all those things that freemasonry has helped develop in you has reached a season of testing and proving. Just imagine all the things our brothers as founding fathers endured to bring about our nation.

Of course, there are times you gotta walk away, and only you can make that decision... I really wish you and your lodge the best.

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Premium Member
Virgin Islands Brother,

"This too shall pass". We're Masons for life. These brothers are in the east for a year each. Lodges do wax and wane - My mother lodge has seen two cycles of that since I was raised 20 years ago. You're definitely going to still be around during the next cycle.

The question becomes - Is it worth still being around in this lodge to see the next cycle? I can't answer that for you. If it's about the brothers at the pedestals now voting with your feet works when you're not in a chair yourself and sure enough that's what you are contemplating now. But if it's about the lodge then you can still go to district events, social events they aren't at, you name it.

Some of the lessons of Masonry are about self-transformation. You can achieve self-transformation by changing your environment and attending a different lodge. You can achieve self-transformation by changing your internal viewpoint. The NLP term for that is "reframing". Maybe you can do an emotional disconnect from these brothers and view the years as a roller coaster ride that happens slowly over a period of years. Back and forth by attending a different lodge or up and down by staying in this one? Yours to answer.

Bad masters can damage lodges in ways that take years to recover like bad kings can damage countries in ways that take generations to recover. Either way we're still going to be there later.

Virgin Islands Brother

Registered User
Brethren, I will take your general sentiment under advisement. I will summon some strength and attempt to do what is in my power to do.

Thank You.

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