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How to Join?

Blake Bowden

Joining Freemasonry requires that a man, of his own free will, petition a Masonic Lodge for the Degrees in Masonry. No Texas Mason should ever ask you to join our fraternity.

Below are the general steps that a man seeking membership in Freemasonry may consider. Lodges will likely have their own procedures, but this will help you get started and give you a better understanding of the process.

Ask for Information
If you know a Mason, ask him about the fraternity. Don't be shy, we love talking to those interested in Masonry. If you don't know a Mason, .

Visit the Lodge
Try to find out if there is a good time for you to visit the lodge. Take this as an opportunity to meet some of the members and ask questions. Don't be intimidated, they'll be happy to see you. Most lodges have dinner before their regular stated meetings (meetings usually occur monthly) and guests are almost always welcome. In many areas more than one lodge may exist. Visit as many as you can, get a feeling for the lodges you visit and pick the one that best meets your needs.

Request a Petition
Request a petition from a Mason or from the lodge you would like to join. Your petition will require the signature of several Masons. If you don't know any Masons, ask the lodge you're petitioning for advice.

Submit Your Petition
Turn in your completed petition to the lodge you would like to join. Ask if there are any fees that need to accompany the petition. Your petition will be received by the lodge and will be read during a stated meeting.

Now that the lodge has your petition, these are the actions you can expect the lodge to take:

The Investigation
The Master of the lodge you submitted your petition to will assign three members of the lodge to interview you and investigate your background. The investigators may want to meet with you at home. There is a standard set of questions that all investigators must ask, but many will ask additional questions. Be honest with the investigators. No Mason is perfect...we don't expect petitioners to be perfect, either.

The Ballot
Your investigators will be given a deadline by which to return their completed investigation reports to the lodge. Their reports along with their recommendation will be read to the lodge at a stated meeting. At this time, the Master of the lodge will usually call for a ballot to be taken on your petition. Eligible Masons will then vote on your petition and the outcome of the ballot will be announced to the lodge.

After the Ballot
Soon after the stated meeting, a member from the lodge should contact you with the outcome of the ballot and provide you with additional instructions.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Most Grand Lodges have a residency requirement. Here in Texas it is 6 months. If you were to come to the US, you would have at least that long to find employment and make contacts before you could petition a Lodge.

Big time

Registered User
I was raised in a lodge that was not active and I never received a dues card. Now I want to become active, the lodge I petioned say i need to demit. How do I go about it

Brother JC

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
If your lodge went dark for good you will need to go through your grand lodge for the proper documentation.

Manuel okyere

Registered User
hello, i am located in ghana,central region. i have been interested in being a mason for a long time but i dont know any mason to introduce me. i really want to be a craftman. Can you help me with a mason i can get a petition from?

Elisha Awuni

Registered User
Hello, I'm from Ghana, I want to join the Freemasonry but don't know any grand lodge around my jurisdiction. If you can assist me by linking me up to a member here in Ghana who. n assist me join this fraternity I would be very glad. Thanks


Registered User
Perhaps the worst, most unhelpful saying ever devised. Most men today don't know one to ask. So they come online and ask, and are told "2B1ASK1." Well, the person just asked a whole bunch! If all you can offer is to tell them to ask one when they've just asked, then asking didn't do a bit of good!
Well when they ask that opens the door to us to explain what they have done and provide them with a petition and sign it. They must have enough curiosity to make the step of there on free will and accord.