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Lodge Officer Duties - Secretary

Blake Bowden

His Jewel is the Crossed Quill Pens. The Secretary is the Lodge's Recorder.

The Secretary's Lodge Officer Duties require a high degree of lodge experience, Masonic knowledge, diplomacy and, above all, detailed paperwork skills. The Lodge Secretary is the backbone of any Masonic Lodge and he holds a position of great responsibility. He sits to the left of the Master. His duties require him to handle all correspondence to the members, minutes of Lodge meetings, petitions of new candidates, continuous lodge member count, and many other administrative duties. He compiles an ongoing list of each new candidate and which degrees that candidate has undertaken. From his member list, he sends out the annual dues notices and receives dues payments. He communicates with other Lodges and the Grand Lodge, types letters, retrieves the mail as well as handles many other details.

The Secretary's Lodge Officer duties are many, not the least of which is that he must be well versed in Grand Lodge By-Laws for his jurisdiction and his Lodge By-Laws. He keeps the list of Lodge members and helps the Master organize his meetings. A very experienced member usually resides in this chair...many times he is a Past Master of the Lodge. While it is not a prerequisite, due to the number of hours that this position requires, most (not all) Lodge Secretaries are retired and therefore able to devote the many hours required which are necessary to this position. The Secretary's position is similar to a corporate C.O.O., (Chief Operation Officer).


Registered User
Very true quote. Everyone at sometime needs to serve as a secretary to see what is required. The Master rules the Lodge but the secretary runs the Lodge. Have been a Master Mason 50 years and am now serving as the secretary of my Lodge for the past 5 years.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Bro. Secretary.jpg
Lodge Secretary.jpg


Registered User
The position of Secretary definitely intimidates me. I feel as though I'd have to go through the line 3 times before I could even begin to feel qualified or rather do the office justice! Props to all the secretaries out there!
Oddly enough, our lodges sec isn't a PM either. They also change them up every two years which is good and bad.

Adam Cockerham

Registered User
Oddly enough, our lodges sec isn't a PM either. They also change them up every two years which is good and bad.
Interesting.. We installed a new secretary today which really made history at our lodge. The previous secretary has been a Mason for close to 60 years and has been WM several times throughout the years. He has been secretary for the last 10-20 years and each year has expressed his desire to pass the reigns off to someone else.. and this year he accomplished that. It will be a huge learning experience for the new secretary but I am pleased to see that the retiring secretary will be able to receive a time of refreshment!

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
The previous secretary has been a Mason for close to 60 years and has been secretary for the last 10-20 years

May I suggest that your Lodge give him the title of "Secretary Emeritus" & spring for a name badge so stating? It's not official but a token of the esteem in which his Lodge holds him. We did this for the Secretary of El Campo #918 when he retired after serving in that office for 25 years- it brought tears to his eyes when we presented his badge to him!


Site Benefactor
The position of Secretary definitely intimidates me. I feel as though I'd have to go through the line 3 times before I could even begin to feel qualified or rather do the office justice! Props to all the secretaries out there!
Same here!
May I suggest that your Lodge give him the title of "Secretary Emeritus" & spring for a name badge so stating? It's not official but a token of the esteem in which his Lodge holds him. We did this for the Secretary of El Campo #918 when he retired after serving in that office for 25 years- it brought tears to his eyes when we presented his badge to him!
Great idea!!!


Registered User
May I suggest that your Lodge give him the title of "Secretary Emeritus" & spring for a name badge so stating? It's not official but a token of the esteem in which his Lodge holds him. We did this for the Secretary of El Campo #918 when he retired after serving in that office for 25 years- it brought tears to his eyes when we presented his badge to him!
To me, if you were secretary for 20 years or more they should rename the lodge after you. haha

Adam Cockerham

Registered User
May I suggest that your Lodge give him the title of "Secretary Emeritus" & spring for a name badge so stating? It's not official but a token of the esteem in which his Lodge holds him. We did this for the Secretary of El Campo #918 when he retired after serving in that office for 25 years- it brought tears to his eyes when we presented his badge to him!

Very interesting! I'll definitely bring that up to the brothers!


Twice Registered User
Premium Member

I've been designated as Secretary of my Craft Lodge and Scribe E of my Royal Arch Chapter.

W.Bro. Vy.Fra. (E.Comp.) PM, V°, 32°