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OMT turns 50!

Beehive Mason

Registered User
You are hereby Cordially Invited to attend this Historic Event!...

The Ogden Masonic Temple Opens its doors to the Public and Celebrates the Golden Anniversary of its current location.

50 Years of Family, Friends, Fraternity, Community, and Charity !

Saturday, October 28th, 2017
From 1PM to 3PM

@ The Ogden Masonic Temple
1240 20th Street. Ogden, Utah 84402

Located on the 'Northeast Corner' of 20th Street and Harrison Boulevard; in beautiful, scenic Ogden Utah!



Tell a friend!
Bring your friends, family, neighbors, strangers!

#ogdenmasons #freemasonry #goldenspikelodge6 #hip2bsquare#everywalkoflife #ogdenmasonictemple #ogdenevents #thisisogden #myogden #visitogden #ogdenisawesome #ogdenutah #onlyinogden #indieogden #celebrategoodtimes #allarewelcome #bringafriend #kidfriendly #adacompliant #50years

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