if i made up an organization TODAY and used the symbols and teachings of the Mayans to help people help themselves.....that doesnt mean that i can trace my organization to ancient Maya it just means i used their symbols.....
I think that's key. Wouldn't the fact our system incorporates several other systems of varied time and place really point to the fact ours drew on varied traditions of time and place rather than being a linear continuum ?
It's like a house. It might be Victorian, but if it has a structural element of later Edwardian times, the later indicates the house was altered or not as old as it was designed to make us think it was . Experts can tell from a glance at the chimney and roofline and use it as a good indication of age, windows, doors, floor plan, materials etc give more detail. For me, Freemasonry has such diverse incorporations it's clearly either been completely renovated numerous times or built recently. My bet is built recently, but the point in the thread is all recognise it's symbol rich and some of the origins of those symbols. We all agree ritual changed, whether it's ancient or new, does not matter because both lead to the same thing: if ancient, why did modern rewrite retain the element/symbol or if new, why did they incorporate it? Same question, what's important about it ? And if Freemasonry is a vehicle to teach ? What do these things teach ?