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Recent content by dj9684

  1. D


    Thanks bretheren I'm loving this app so far. I will share this with other brothers I know. Freemason Connect Mobile
  2. D

    PHA visitation

    In Georgia, there is no mutual recognition. However, my lodge (exodus lodge #593 PHA) and Gate City lodge #2 had a joint community service event with habitat for humanity in 2010. The first time in Georgia's history that a PHA lodge and a Mainstream Lodge engage in some form of activity...
  3. D

    PHA visitation

    In order for mainstream masons and PHA mason to meet there has to be a mutual recognition between the two Grandlodges. I am a PHA mason in Georgia ( not a mutual recognition state); we can trace our lineage to UGLE because of African Lodge#459 in Boston just like any other PHA Grandlodge...
  4. D


    Greetings! This is David Johnson from Exodus Lodge #593 MWPHGL of GA Freemason Connect Mobile