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Brother Ryan J. Flynn, The Most Influential Masonic Artist In America

Once again we visit the great Masonic artist Ryan J. Flynn. There is little that you can write anymore that does justice to what this Brother is doing with and for art. You have to see it to believe it. So Phoenixmasonry Live’s December 2016 program SHOWS you what words cannot do justice to. And as he shows us his creations, his description of how he does it will truly amaze you.

Flynn says:

“Freemasonry is not a brand name; it is not Nike, it is not Starbucks. Freemasonry is an ideal, an organization of men who, when gathered together, strive for the absolute best in all of us, and they settle for nothing less. I fervently believe that Masonic works of art should strive to meet the same ideal.”

“I pledge that you will never see me settle for average, plain or quick. I will never brand something with a square and compass and call it “Masonic.” To call something “Masonic” means that it is a direct representation of the Craft, and thus should be educational, symbolic and meaningful; something that I strive to do in all my work. Of course, having a shirt embroidered with my lodge is something I would love to wear, but this, although adorned with our symbols, is merely Masonic in name and not substance.”

“Substance is what drives good art, and it is what drives me to create works that truly honors the Craft that I so love dearly.”

Phoenixmasonry hopes that this video will be a permanent part of your library and that you will carry Flynn’s message of appreciation of Masonic art to your Brethren.

To contact Flynn or purchase his work go to:

Phoenixmasonry’s monthly Masonic artifact for December is McBeth Masonic knives and an excellent interview with Jim McBeth highlighting his unique handcrafted knives is included in this video.

Original article: Brother Ryan J. Flynn, The Most Influential Masonic Artist In America.


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