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Solomon's Builders and Secret Messages

A redditor posted, a few days ago, that he found a secret code on the backcover of Chris Hodapp's book, Solomon's Builders (It's a great read so if you haven't read it, go to your favorite retailer and buy a copy.) When I first read this, I wasn't shocked, to be honest. Codes and secrets are our trade and we really do enjoy our esoteric play. But, when I looked at the result, I was a little thrown.

The code was formed from highlighted letters from the backcover summary of the book. All together, the result was "asondonttrusthi" which can be spaced out as "ason don't trust hi." It doesn't take a rocket scientist to extrapolate the missing Ms to fully spell out, "Mason, don't trust him."

From /u/marciothegreat​
If this was intentional, then this is the strangest long play coded message in history. No idea if this was intentional or if all of us are just looking for something that really isn't there but it doesn't seem to be accidental. Sadly, I wouldn't be shocked if the graphic designer put this in intentionally but it seems odd that this would be added.

I would like to give a H/T to /u/marciothegreat for pointing this out. And, again, buy Solomon's Builders. It's an excellent read.

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Wouldn't trust it. By first glance, there isn't a set way to tell with letters should be selected. For example, from that same picture of the book back, I found the letters (starting from the word "history" and reading on) the letters, in order, hiramistheman. Spaced out: Hiram is the man. Some troll or anyone could do that and read some esoteric meaning into it, but those letters appear only by coincidence.

As a personal anecdote, I remember passing messages to a friend in middle school by underlining certain letters in my textbooks and then switching books with my friend. It was tons of fun, even though I should have been studying, but was not esoteric in the slightest.

I say, move on.