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  • I have been interested in petitioning for a while now. I have been wanting visit three lodges (1434, 1096, 1423). I know a few masons, but not at these lodges. I happened to cross your name while researching and noticed that you are in my same area (Klein/Tomball/Cypress). Just wanted to try and contact someone to get the ball rolling. Hopefully this reaches you as I also noticed you have not posted in a while.
    Hey. BigUn! You gonna work the next SR Reunion?
    Yep! Come by and see me. You going to Brother Troy's cornerstone? W/O aprons, we should be okay.
    Thanks for all of your great posts. I find your responses to be very enlightening! I look forward to reading many more!
    THANKS...many Masons could care less of the True deeper esoteric meanings....and I am not sure what I have posted has been taken very well here.
    I am taking just 5 hours this semester, my goal is to get into dental school, how are things going at your lodge?
    Sorry for the VERY late reply brother, I was looking for job and you know how that goes. My lodge is S.P. Waltrip #1328 in Houston.
    Sorry for the late reply Brother. I have been using the mobile app only and had some glitches. NL stands for Newfoundland and Labrador. Two parts of our province in Canada.
    From what I have been reading the issues we have are widespread and similar. Lack of young members, complacency and politics. Hopefully we will be able to share things to improve our craft accross North Americags
    Sorry about the delay in response!

    I work in an oilfield machine shop in Kimball, Nebraska. We thread API oilfield and natural gas pipe. I have worked here for 11 years. That has been one reason for not being in the forums for so long. We have had a change in owners and the transition has been less than easy on us "long-timers".

    I just got installed as Worthy Patron last night in OES. I have a wonderful lady to support as Worthy Matron..... my wife of 10 years. ;)

    The end of this month I will be installed as WM. I am sure it going to be a big task!

    Wish me luck!
    Sorry that I'm just now finding this brother.... But I dont know anyone by that name. He may be a member of one of the Tyler lodges I haven't had the chance to visit too many lodges due to family and work
    Brother Jwhoff! I'm a fresh SR Mason from your valley & would like to put a face to a moniker. If you were at last night's meeting, I stood up twice and announced my name to no avail. All plans are to be at the next meeting as well, will you?
    Ha Ha! No, I am not a Scottish Rite member, I just happen to wear a kilt every so often. I get funny looks and people love to comment on it. I have a good time with it because most men don't have the stones to pull off a kilt. But I do! I was at lodge tonight, we initiated two fellows who seem like they are going to be good brothers. It was pretty exciting, it was my first time back to lodge in almost 4 years. We have a good lodge and a good group of brothers here in Clovis, CA. We have an awesome Worshipful right now too. It was great to hear from you brother Jwhoff, I'm off to hit the rain locker, then my rack. Take care. Fraternally, Bro. Damon
    Hi jw. I do post a UGLE perspective on various matters here. I did so quite a lot last year, but since then I've been away a few months. Mostly it seems welcome, although occasionally I've had a hostile response for "interfering" in Texan concerns by daring to comment. I'm not sure what you want to know, but if you'd care to be more specific in private, then I'll try to post an appropriate answer in public. Huw
    Thanks JW. I had figured on waiting a while before adding anything else to my already full plate, so I have no plans, yet, to join for at least a year or two. As far as my belief in my maker. It's sound, and not at risk.

    Just out of curiosity, What's the significance of the Tree of Life image in your profile? I have a lodge brother who has it tattooed on the inside of his arm, just above the list. Does it have significance in Masonry? I've always thought it was a cool image, and have read some about it over the years, but nothing specific comes to mind, other than it was significant to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
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