Good evening, Brethren.......I'd like to expound on what my Brother Bill_Lins77488 stated PHA Masons in modern times, we have sometimes been erroneously viewed as "irregular", in spite of the Original Charter for African Lodge #459 we have locked away in Boston; a lot of that is misinformation passed down from mouth to ear from different sources, rather than the RIGHT source. The MAIN issue with the UGLE and our PHGLoTX was just that if we wanted FORMAL RECOGNITION from THEM as a Grand Lodge in the Jurisdiction of TEXAS, we had to have a Compact Agreement of Mutual Recognition with the Grand Lodge already recognized by UGLE in our Jurisdiction (GLoTX, AF&AM) in place. THAT'S why the Compact was signed. Just for your historical benefit, KO1234, GLoTX was established by 6 Men who met in Brazoria in 1837, while still a REPUBLIC, and eight years before Texas became a State. The Grand Lodge of Louisiana helped to establish the GLoTX. The PHGLoTX was formed in 1878, some 50 years later, for obvious reasons, under what was termed "the order of the day". The Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kansas helped to establish our Grand Lodge.........Black Men, some who were newly freed slaves, were not allowed to join Masonic Lodges in that time with their White counterparts.
As recently as 1994, UGLE made the determination based on documentation provided from our Orignal Charter under African Lodge #459, as well as letters and correspondence archived from Prince Hall to the UGLE himself, that PHA Masonry was "regular in origin". I won't go into how I feel about the conditions of this "Mutual Recognition", because the lack of Intervisitation makes it idiotic; and, we have already established what quite a few of us feel about the need for progression.........
So, back to your original question, Young Brother KO1234.......I have traveled to California and New York, and have gotten nothing but love and respect from BOTH sides of the fence.......I am on Instagram (towerbuilder7), and have even met a few Mainstream Brothers on there.........PHA Masonry isn't a different TYPE of Masonry, just a different NAME for the African American Lodges of Free and Accepted Masonry under the lineage of African Lodge #459.......In 1827, a News Article was issued, announcing to the community that the African Grand Lodge #1 was to become an independent entity unto itself, after repeated attempts to contact the UGLE, and send Relief payments, Rosters, Death Notices, etc.........with a Lawful Charter in place, they did what most other Masons at that time were doing-----establishing New Lodges to Men (of Color) interested in becoming Masons. The First Three Lodges established were in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island..........these three Lodges formed African Lodge No 1...........................
The Brothers received NO response to their correspondence from UGLE for a few years after Prince Hall's death, so they had the fortitude to do what most Black Men would NOT do in THAT TIME-----branch out on their own, and establish a Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masonry for Men of Color. Out of respect for Brother Prince Hall, in 1944, States agreed to later rename the Grand Lodges of each State "The Prince Hall Grand Lodge of........" There are two exceptions, due to Lawsuits----Stringer Grand Lodge in Mississippi, and Union Grand Lodge in Florida......These are our RECOGNIZED PHA Grand Lodges in those two respective States........KO1234, I hope that tidbit of LIGHT was helpful to you........
Humbly Submitted,
Bro Vincent C. Jones, Sr., Bayou City Lodge #228
Prince Hall Affiliation, Free and Accepted Masonry, Houston, Texas
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas