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I mean i guess. But i was told and have seen it in a couple different jurisdictions where a brother is moving and is told to go to the secretary and get a list of lodges in ur new area. Or google GL of XX. Flat out with NO exceptions on our side, the Legitmate GL in any given state is GL of State name. i know PHA has a few exceptions but we dont. The only variation on our branch of the family tree is AF&AM v. F&AM and the couple others out there. Even PHA knows that if ur in the states and its not F&AM its not legitBut how many brothers have any idea about regularity issues no matter that the obligations say to not cross the regularity boundary. I can easily imagine a Brother active at the local level moving to a new town and applying for affiliation in his new town having no idea they aren't regular. Clandestine jurisdictions are happy to take members from regular jurisdictions and most of their members don't know.
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