Desaguliers ... Anderson wrote them. Desaguliers was termed "the master mind of the organization." He was the son of a Calvinist Huguenot pastor thrown out of France by Louie the 13th. Ole Louie dabbled with allowing Protestantism for a few decades but was swayed by politics to recall his decree. Desaguliers' father went to England and set up shop. His son became influential in the academic world and was instrumental, along with Sir Francis Bacon, in piecing together the King James Version of the Bible under the rule of Henry the 8th.
He then became a big influence on the formation of a Grand Lodge in England. These Enlightenment fellows were peas of a pod, so to speak. Among the other notable literary masons of the time was Voltaire, who also came to England for a while after getting his tailcoat in a wringer at French Court.
Stay loose and God speed.