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  • MikeMay:

    You are one of the first persons to welcome. I now have something in common with you. I received my EA degree Sept. 15th.
    Thanks!!! i look forward to learning and growin in the craft as well as meeting new brothers!!!!!
    Mike I have 1 spot left in my ESPN football leagueif you want in...just send me your email
    This is PM Sampat of Siam Military Lodge #30 Thailand jurisdiction of MWPHGL of Delaware. Hello everyone
    Thanks for the welcome Brother. I look forward to many future conversations.

    thanks. im looking for a lodge or compass and square club to visit when i go to elpaso next week. any suggestions?
    Thanks for the welcome. I am currently starting my journey to become a mason in illinois but this appears to be the best forum on the net for learning and communicating with other masons. So far every mason I've come into contact with has been very welcoming.
    Thanks Mike, I have read the Book of Constitutions and By-Laws of our Lodge, which are form 23, and they stop at the junior past master. Then I have found where the law book refers to the past master opening the lodge that made it unsure just who could open the lodge. Thanks again
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