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What do you think when you hear infections in lodges on the level
Still don‘t understand. .More like out of bound idealistic's brought to lodge.
It all depends upon who the presenter is. I've heard a lot of mispronunciations in presentations due to poor inflections. Some are more evident than others. Usually a little education fixes them,What do you think when you hear inflections in lodges on the level
Infractions will do that...Infection or inflection? Now I'm confused.
It’s all in the way it’s said (wink).Infection or inflection? Now I'm confused.
Don't needle me.I stink <cough> think the thirst <cough> first decree <cough> degree acts as an indoctrination <cough> inoculation against large <cough> lodge infections...
But but but.... there is a point to it, no?Don't needle me.
what out of what I read is not freemasonic spirit it the kind of thing that ruins lodges friendships trust. Especially when there are brothers in government seats and china where freemasonry is illegal for the most part I think it's better to live up to our decor especially saying I think he was announced as a freemason online and I mayor in my county or some part of our country committee have met with Chinese goverment personal. I very much love my nation "U.S.A" ALL Day! But I would very much like to be looked with respect by other nations.I stink <cough> think the thirst <cough> first decree <cough> degree acts as an indoctrination <cough> inoculation against large <cough> lodge infections...
Something for you to seriously consider: out of what I read is not freemasonic spirit it the kind of thing that ruins lodges friendships trust. Especially when there are brothers in government seats and china where freemasonry is illegal for the most part I think it's better to live up to our decor especially saying I think he was announced as a freemason online and I mayor in my county or some part of our country committee have met with Chinese goverment personal. I very much love my nation "U.S.A" ALL Day! But I would very much like to be looked with respect by other nations.
Now, that's true, and it is no more silly than the OP.Nah, we just be jabbering! ;-)
Your post doesn’t appear here, but the copy I received stated:
Now, that's true, and it is no more silly than the OP.
Your post doesn’t appear here, but the copy I received stated:
”More or less people who stand and charge on what out of what I read is not freemasonic spirit it the kind of thing that ruins lodges friendships trust”
I apologize. My last statement was unkind.
We could not understand what you were trying to say. We tried to clarify, but you ignored us. Yes, we were using humour, but (until my comment) it is the same humour we would use with others we know from this group.
I suspect English is not your first language, and I admire your ability to speak in a limited fashion. However,please use more effort when you are told we can’t understand you. Masons promote grammar and rhetoric. It may be you should try more simple English until you are comfortable with it.
I still don’t understand what your original comment meant. Similarly, I don‘t know what “stand and charge” means.
I think you are saying people may not disagree with you and disagreeing with you ruins lodges. That is about the 180th reason I’ve heard for lodges being ruined, and it’s not accurate in my experience. If you are a mason, I shouldn’t think you have the experience to know what ruins lodges.
Again, I recognize my last comment was inappropriate.