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Amateur Radio


Registered User
KECDJ, Amateur Extra Class
also Commercial GROL with Ship Radar Endorsement, PG00028247

Not very active, mainly use VHF repeaters in DFW area



Premium Member
How does someone get into this? My Dad talked about doing this when I was a kid, but never did. It sounds interesting!

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Registered User

An earlier post in this thread by Ol' Kev has some good links about getting started in amateur radio.



Premium Member
Thank you. It sounds really interesting. I'm going to look into it.

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Premium Member
First licensed as WA4YRA in 1976. (The YOUNG RADIO AMATEUR). BiCentennial call sign AA4YRA. All American four Young Radio Amateur. Received German radio license DA1NR (Dirty American one Nasty Radio). Then PA9BBN, F0IHZ, WA4YRA/LX, WA4YRA/OE7. I was the first person to go from Novice to Extra class, all outside the USA.

Received US Call sign AB4Y, in 1978. Operated 80-10m SSB/CW/RTTY. 2m FM 450MHZFM. Also 2mSSB. Operated OSCAR from Bowling Green KY, Mode B 450MHZ uplink to satellite, 2mSSB downlink. Operated Mode J, 2mSSB uplink, 432MHZ ssb downlink.

Transferred to Africa in 1983. F/AB4Y in France, and AB4Y/ZS in South Africa. Operated HZ1AB in Saudi Arabia 1991.

Been working in Iraq and Afghanistan for the past nine(9) years. NO QRV in YA/YI.

73, de Charles E. Martin AB4Y

Benjamin Baxter

Premium Member
I got my tech in 2010 and in 2011 was when I got my general I think. I would have to look for the months. :screwy:
Usually 2m or 70cm
Some 10m and 20m if I get my antenna back up. Storms in Granbury took them down when the tornadoes came through.

Freemason Connect Mobile


Registered User
First licensed as a Novice in 1989 as KB0FFL. Upgraded to Advanced with the same call in 1994. Upgraded to Extra in either 1999, 2000 (whenever the code speed was reduced from 20 WPM to 13 WPM). My station is currently off the air (until I get outside and re-hang on half of a dipole). I spend almost all of my on air time working SSB casually either rag chewing or chasing DX. My favorite bands are 10 (when it's up), 17, and 20 meters. (I favor 17 meters over the others by far)

73 de AC5XL

Brother JC

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Go to and look for classes in your area. There are lots of people out there ready to indoctrinate a newbie.


Premium Member

Got my Extra in July 2012. Spend most my time on 20 meter, and 10 meter when propagation gods are cooperating.

When traveling I use a Icom 2 meter HT and a 2 meter mobile. My base is a Yaesu 950 FT hooked to G5RVjr.

Photo of shack

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My Freemasonry


Premium Member
How can I get started in ham radio?

"Without exertion there can be no progress." Bear Grylls

Good advice. Check out our national organization also contact your local radio club. The club can advise you about how to study for the license exam, and how to get equipment.

It was one of my ham radio friends the late Don Tuggle N4AOC, who first introduced me to Freemasonry.


Registered User
G1YWY, First licenced in 1987, Favourite mode CW, been QRT for a number of years and looking to get back into the hobby.


Registered User
So, I know nothing about Am Radio. I've always been curious. it's sort of like falconry, sounds really, really cool but don't know how to go about it or even what it is....


Registered User
Mostly on 2m. I would like to have space for HF antennas, but that will have to wait.


Site Benefactor
W A 1 R A J
Extra. Licensed since 1972 - same call, but started out life as a WN1 at age 11.
10 GHz and down, with a (sometimes) focus on weak signal VHF and up.
Prefer building gear to operating.
Not very active at the moment - currently too much work and lodge activities to spend much radio time.