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Florida Withdraws Amity With Eleven Foreign Grand Lodges

by Christopher Hodapp

On Friday, Grand Secretary Richard E. Lynn, PGM of the Grand Lodge of F&AM of Florida issued a letter declaring the immediate withdrawal of relations with the following foreign Masonic grand lodges:
  • La Gran Logia de Bolivia,
  • La Gran Logia de Chile, A.L. y A.M.,
  • La Gran Logia de Costa Rica, F. A. y A,
  • La Gran Logia de la Republica Dommicana,
  • La Grande Loge Nationale Française,
  • La Gran Logia de Guatemala, A.L. y A.M, America Central.
  • La Gran Logia de Honduras, A.L. y A.M.,
  • Soberana Gran Login de Nicaragua,
  • La Gran Logia de Panamá,
  • Gran Logia de los A. L. y A.M., de la Republica del Perü,
  • La Grande Loja Legal de Portugal
There are no details as to the specifics of the decision, other than to say,

"... because they presume to impose on a Grand Lodge who they can recognize, something that would violate our sovereignty.
"Therefore, no Lodge in Florida may visit nor allow visitors or petitioners for affiliation or dual membership from any Lodge Chartered by the Grand Lodges listed above. If you have a Dual Member, he will have to sign a letter of resignation from the Grand Lodge in question if he wishes to remain a member in Florida or vice versa."

That's a mighty wide swath of grand lodges with which to suddenly cut off relations in one broad swoop. Is there anyone who can shed some light on this announcement? (Click image below to enlarge)

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Glen Cook

G A Cook
Site Benefactor
CMI response.


  • C M I To All Regular Grand Lodge of the World 20240213_19342442.pdf
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