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Newish-but I've got some news


Registered User
I've been on this site for a month or two now, but don't post much. I'm currently unaffiliated, but that could change either tonight or next month! I demitted from my home lodge in 2004 because I just didn't have the time for Masonry because of my job, growing family, and so on. Now, I have a better job and the kids are all out of diapers and I've decided to re-affiliate. I submitted my petition to a local lodge last night and I'll either get voted on tonight, or the petition will be referred to an investigating committee. Whatever happens, I'm very glad to be taking the steps to get back into the fold!

UPDATE 4/24/2013: My Petition for Affiliation for a Non-Affiliated Mason was read at the Stated Meeting last night and referred to an investigating committee (which is precisely what I expected to have happen).
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