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On A Lodge Audit Committee?

So it's January, and at some point in your Masonic life you may have been appointed as part of the Audit Committee for your lodge. And often, it's without even knowing what in the hell you're supposed to be doing on that committee. You've been entrusted to verify the financial records of your Secretary and Treasurer in the Annual Report to Grand Lodge, and it's an important role. But how do you go about this task?

Well, the Masonic Service Association has a short but very informative article on what you should be doing in the latest Short Talk Bulletin. Called Audits and Numbers: A Quick Guide For Lodge Auditing, it is written by RW William J. Thomas, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York. Your lodge Secretary or Worshipful Master should be getting one of these bulletins every month, but you can also read the article online on the MSA's website for Emessay Notes January 2016 here.

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