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Which finger do you wear your ring on and why?


Registered User
its always fascinated me to hear the stories and explanations of why brothers wear their ring on a certain finger. please go into detail, which finger do you wear your ring on and why? also do you have the points of the compasses pointing toward or away from you? feel free to post pictures of your ring.


Premium Member
Your Ring

Check out the thread "your ring". I wear mine on my right ring finger since to wear it on the other hand it looks like a wedding band. The which way to point the compass is debated on that thread as well. I just bought a ring with alternating symbols. ImageUploadedByFreemason Connect HD1378183290.864863.jpg

Freemason Connect HD


Registered User
Thanks brother, I did but for some reason I can't see the pictures that are being uploaded.

Freemason Connect HD


Registered User
Right hand, ring finger. S&C out. Below is the ring I normally wear. It was made by my wife's grandmother's father. He passed it down to his daughter and I don't believe my wife's grandfather ever wore it. After he died, the grandmother passed it onto me (along with another ring that has their engagement diamond in it). The other one is somewhat gaudy and I don't usually wear it. This one is more my style, you really have to look at it to tell what is engraved. And I wear it on this finger because it fits perfectly. The other one I have to wear on my right middle finger due to the grandfather having a larger ring finger than me.



Premium Member
I wear mine on the right ring finger. Thats the finger I had it sized for :).

Actually I read somewhere many years ago that you wear your wedding ring an the left ring finger as that is a direct path to your heart. Any other rings of significance is to be worne on your right ring finger as that is the direct path to your soul.


Registered User
ImageUploadedByFreemason Connect HD1378464434.095434.jpg

Here's mine. Little beat up from the years, but refuse to part with it for a new one.

Bro Jason Moreland
Barger Lodge #325
Stroudsburg, PA

Roy Vance

Premium Member
I wear two (2) Masonic rings. One on my left hand, ring finger, the other on my right hand, ring finger. My being single allows me to wear another ring on my left hand if I choose. I don't plan on getting married again, so I don't worry. LOL!

Brother JC

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
I wear mine on my right pinky because... that was the closest fit when I got it. I bought it from the grand-daughter of a NC Mason.

As to the direction, I wear it this way to remind me of my MM Obligation.


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Premium Member
I wear it on my right ring finger since it basically looks like a class ring. Now that I'm getting my Aggie Ring, I'm not sure what I'll do. ;)


Premium Member
Is it wrong to have our ring on right or left have and the way of the points

My Freemasonry HD
The Left hand ring finger has usually been said to lead to your heart and so it is why we wear a wedding ring on our left hand. The right hand has been accepted as the sign of Fidelity hence wearing your masonic ring on your right hand.

Points up or down is up to you although it has its meaning to the wearer if you accept that line of thought.

Others go by how the ring was put on that day. The orientation of the S/C is determined by God's Will.


Registered User
The direction of the ring is determined by whether you are showing others that you are a Mason or reminding yourself that you are one.

My Freemasonry HD


Registered User
There comes times in a man's life when he may be conflicted as to the course of action he should take. I have found that by wearing a ring or bumper sticker or something, my public behavior/response puts the whole fraternity under the microscope. A symbol or token that reminds me of this helps me to choose an appropriate action. We are held to a higher calling, as these, our generous principles, are to extend further. Every human being has a claim on our kind office, a ring pointing toward one's heart may be the reminder one needs to maintain that high regard.

My Freemasonry HD


Registered User
Curiously, I have a military ring, and it is sized for my right ring finger, so to prevent from not being able to wear my military ring, I was going to order my ring for my middle finger. Is the a bi law or regulation about what finger your ring has to be worn on?

My Freemasonry HD


Premium Member
Curiously, I have a military ring, and it is sized for my right ring finger, so to prevent from not being able to wear my military ring, I was going to order my ring for my middle finger. Is the a bi law or regulation about what finger your ring has to be worn on?
I read once that the Grand Lodge of South Carolina has some rules about rings (unconfirmed,) but I've never heard of any other Grand Jurisdiction in the U.S. having any.