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Why Are Bad Words Bad?

Blake Bowden

Staff Member
Interesting video!



Registered User
Things that make you go "hmmm". It definitely makes you think.

Bro John
MM, Elmore Lodge #30

Freemason Connect Mobile

Bro Darren

Premium Member
Some food for thought on many different levels.
We do not have "Freedom of speech" here in Australia as you share in the USA so I guess my thoughts may be different to most on the forum.

Society on a whole is far more accepting of things that were morally wrong years ago. Our social standards are constantly under threat by the media as they push the boundaries each and every day. The more we are subjected to something, the less sensitive we all become to it, to the point where we are even oblivious to things even being there.

I joined Freemasonry for many different reasons and one of those was to relearn what is acceptable in my own morality. I took an internal vow to avoid profanity to the best of my ability and always try harder in my view on what is morally acceptable and what is not.

We as Masons are supposed to be, and have, a positive impact in our communities so that our community does not become rotten to its core, because that leads to total social breakdown.

Just my thoughts!