The first lecture is on the history of freemasonry in Israel, the Grand Lodge celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. The lecture is largely from the Jubilee lecture on the subject, but with pretty pictures.
There are sixty lodges. They work in ten languages, including Romanian and Turkish. .
The second lecture is on the First Temple by A. Fuchs , candidly beginning with the question of whether either that Temple (of Solomon) or indeed the Davidic Dynasty existed- a question not surprisingly answered in the positive, citing to various archaeological proofs.
Contrary to what some rituals teach, there are many definitions of “cubit.”
In the third presentation the GL of Turkey explained that ten years they adopted the “Brother of my Brother” rule for visitation: even if a GL is not in amity with Turkey , a member of that unrecognized GL may visit if the two GLs share amity with a third GL.
This drew some concern from the delegates.
Lodge of the Holy Land no 50 meeting. Excellent lecture on freemasonry in Israel (including an early 20th C lodge meeting by NZ masons in the Mosque of the Dome of the Rock), but the highlight?
The signing of the recognition agreement between the Grand Lodge of Israel and the Regular Grand Lodge of the Kingdom of Morocco.
Linked you will find the website of the GL of Israel. The crest at its centre has the Cross, supported by the Crescent, within the Star of David.
Sometimes, we get it right as masons.