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The Prophet Mason Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him and Meccas Cube-Stone, The Cosmic Ashlar

The Prophet Mason Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him and Meccas Cube-Stone, The Cosmic Ashlar

The Ancient, Temple degrees teach initiates a story, linking Jacob's Ladder, and the rock of the Temple, with a lineage of Spiritual Teachers. The Arch Angel Metatron merged with the first Prophet Adam. Adam has bestowed teachings from the Cosmic Ashlar in paradise after God separated the light from the darkness. Noah saved the Cosmic Ashlar, in his Ark, with Seven Sacred Laws, the laws of the B'nai Noach, or Noahide Laws. Enoch communed with God via the Cosmic Ashlar, in a language understood by the Cherubim. Abraham built the first Ka'aba, a Noble Shrine shaped like a cube, to house the Cosmic Ashlar, the sacred Blackstone, in what Jacob called "The House of God".

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