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another law question


Registered User
is alcohol permitted at lodge on a non meeting night. if not how do various lodges meet at shrine buildings which do serve?


Premium Member
Art. 224. (264). Use of Lodge and Anterooms. ... Constituent Lodges may meet in buildings where alcoholic beverages may from time to time be served. Constituent Lodges of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas may meet in buildings where other appendant Masonic organizations may, from time to time, serve alcoholic beverages, so long as such service is not in progress while the Lodge is open there; and further, be it enacted, that Constituent Lodges may let, lease, or rent portions of their buildings to other appendant Masonic organizations who may, from time to time, serve alcoholic beverages, so long as such service does not occur in the Lodgeroom of the building. (Adopted 2000)

The Shrine doesnt fall directly under the control of the Grand Lodge so these rules dont apply to them (how they get away with serving drinks). HOWEVER the Grand Lodge can (and in some states HAS) restrict Master Masons for being a member or entering the Shrine building. The law above seems to cover the case of a lodge meeting at the shrine or at least provides a loop hole.


Premium Member
Kind of a contradiction. Can't consume, oh wait you can in small quantities? Here is the problem. Small is a general term, you can't define small. Now the Shrine gets away because it is in their ritual. However I have seen members of the Shrine drinking in the Parking Lot, is that not a violation? What about the second paragraph? Does that mean if I am having a clean-up day or a watchin football game day can we consume alcohol at the lodge? This is a tough one. I need to look at this more.

Sections From GLofTX Law

Art. 505
7. Consume, possess, have in possession, or sell intoxicating
liquor in any portion of the Grand Lodge Memorial
Building, or of any building or portion of any building
occupied or used by any Lodge, provided, however, that
this prohibition does not apply to small quantities of
any such beverages or liquors required by existing rituals
of such organization in the conferring of its degrees
or orders, or in the ceremonies in observance of special
occasions required by existing regulations of such organizations;
and further, this prohibition shall not apply to
space properly leased for commercial purposes.

Constituent Lodges may meet in buildings where alcoholic
beverages may from time to time be served. Constituent Lodges of
the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas may meet in buildings where
other appendant Masonic organizations may, from time to time,
serve alcoholic beverages, so long as such service is not in progress
while the Lodge is open there; and further, be it enacted, that
Constituent Lodges may let, lease, or rent portions of their buildings
to other appendant Masonic organizations who may, from
time to time, serve alcoholic beverages, so long as such service does
not occur in the Lodgeroom of the building. (Adopted 2000)

Art. 335 B
5. No alcoholic beverages shall be distributed, sold, purchased,
possessed or consumed during a fund raising project
on Lodge property.

Sounds like to me if you are having a cookout and a function as long as money is being made you may be able to.
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Registered User
thats what i was thinking. ive been to chilli cookoffs at different lodges and alcohol was being drank. i dont have a problem with it. i wanted to find out what the law was. i believe i was at grand lodge when this went through. a few brothers were realy upset that this was even being brought up. thanks brothers. this is why i love coming to this website.


Premium Member
and dont forget we charge the JW with observing the craft and making sure no one consumes in excess...


Founding Member
Premium Member
Kind of a contradiction. Can't consume, oh wait you can in small quantities? Here is the problem. Small is a general term, you can't define small. Now the Shrine gets away because it is in their ritual. However I have seen members of the Shrine drinking in the Parking Lot, is that not a violation? What about the second paragraph? Does that mean if I am having a clean-up day or a watchin football game day can we consume alcohol at the lodge? This is a tough one. I need to look at this more.

Sections From GLofTX Law

Art. 505
7. Consume, possess, have in possession, or sell intoxicating
liquor in any portion of the Grand Lodge Memorial
Building, or of any building or portion of any building
occupied or used by any Lodge, provided, however, that
this prohibition does not apply to small quantities of
any such beverages or liquors required by existing rituals
of such organization in the conferring of its degrees
or orders, or in the ceremonies in observance of special
occasions required by existing regulations of such organizations;
and further, this prohibition shall not apply to
space properly leased for commercial purposes.

Constituent Lodges may meet in buildings where alcoholic
beverages may from time to time be served. Constituent Lodges of
the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas may meet in buildings where
other appendant Masonic organizations may, from time to time,
serve alcoholic beverages, so long as such service is not in progress
while the Lodge is open there; and further, be it enacted, that
Constituent Lodges may let, lease, or rent portions of their buildings
to other appendant Masonic organizations who may, from
time to time, serve alcoholic beverages, so long as such service does
not occur in the Lodgeroom of the building. (Adopted 2000)

Art. 335 B
5. No alcoholic beverages shall be distributed, sold, purchased,
possessed or consumed during a fund raising project
on Lodge property.

Sounds like to me if you are having a cookout and a function as long as money is being made you may be able to.

That is pretty clear to me that NEVER can alcohol be in the BUILDING unless it is a ritual. Not sure what that ritual might be for the Blue Lodge maybe a "Table Lodge" would constitute a drink or two.
Art. 335 covers outside of the Building like in the parking lot just shooting the bull or fix up day whatever but it must be outside the Lodge, private and never when a fund raising function is going on or any public event. Pretty straight forward unless I missed something.?

Blake Bowden

I'd love to have a nice Masonic dinner prior to Lodge with a full blown toast honoring visiting Brothers!



"Just in case"
Premium Member
i just heard from an arkansas mason that their grand lodge prohibits him from owning a bar or operating a restaurant that serves alcohol. i have serious issue with that.

we had a visitor from Australia ask me where our liquor cabinet was in lodge. they always have a few shots before lodge for fellowship. that really surprised me, and the fact that it surprised me surprised him even more.

the "no alcohol" thing really is an american thing... not a "masonic" tradition...


Founding Member
Premium Member
This whole alcohol debate should be the will of each lodge.

Just like I tell folks opposed to gay marriage, if you don't believe in it/agree with it, then don't have one. If you don't like alcohol, don't drink it.


Premium Member
I really don't know to this one. I think it should be ok and it looks like one part it has wiggle room and one does not. I may be misreading it so I would just say NO. It just seems if a few brothers are up at the lodge cleaning up and mowing etc. they should be able to have a few beers around a grill. But I also see the flip side as far as some people can't handle Moderation and if a family or something drives by they see us out drinking then we become "a bunch of drunks". I just recommend just having the cookout at a buddy's house or something like that.


Registered User
The ban on alcohol was part of the prohibitionist movement in the early part of the last century. When the 21st Amend was ratified the Masonic Grand Lodges did not follow suite and repeal their own alcohol bans. Thus the organization that was founded in a bar now continues to ban booze.


Founding Member
Premium Member
...and if a family or something drives by they see us out drinking then we become "a bunch of drunks".

I don't buy that. There are still churches that serve wine, and people don't drive by and accuse them of being a bunch of drunks. I think we worry a little too much about what other people think. My solution is that we get off our rears, and start getting more active in our communities, which is the best way to maintain a good, positive public image.


Premium Member
I think the strong religious influence in the GL will keep drink out of the lodge for a long time to come. Thats a pretty strong coalition!


Why do you think Grand Lodge Building is built in Baptist country..?

Attented Lodge in Mexico one time 30+ years ago.. ! they open lodge .. called to refreshment.. ! open the doors and in came the food and beer..? everyone ate.. ! call back to labor .. held meeting.. ? was an eye opener for me .. think it was a Zapata Lodge.. ! the lodge was make up of people in the Oil Patch.. ? :D