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Becoming a prince hall mason


Registered User
Hello all, my name is Randle Reeder Jr and I am seeking to become a prince hall Mason in the Nashville, TN area, if anybody can guide me in that process I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks I'm advance

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Brother JC

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Check out the MWPHGLTN website and go from there. There is a section on joining as well as a list of lodges.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.


Premium Member
It's strange the MWPHGLofTN does not have a functioning lodge locator on their web site. Maybe it's a temporary problem on my end.

Generally in person is the way to go. Please do contact the GL office. Please do call and/or email your local lodge before showing up. But a lot of lodges aren't good at responding to paper mail, phone or email. Don't wait on a response. Once you've introduced yourself by those contact methods knock on the physical door. Shake hands in person.

On the door is a listing of when lodge meets. Show up about an hour before the meeting. Introduce yourself and ask how to become a Mason. Get a building tour, meet the members, maybe have a snack with them. Put it on your calendar to show up then every month from here on. It may take 2-4 times before you are given a signed petition.