Interesting find. I'm not sure I see anything overtly Masonic on it other than the Square and Compass. And the addition there of what looks like might be a hammer or pick, makes me wonder if it might be from one of the labor unions like the Junior Order United American Mechanics (JOUAM) from the late 1800s, whose symbols are often mistaken as Masonic. The shield shape below that I guess could possibly be a plumb line? Hopefully others here can shed more light on it.
More - in the damage section closer to the hilt, there seems something which looks like a pair of pliers.
My jury is out... the Compasses (in unusual configuration) I spent a bit of time looking at.. wondering if the item to the left was pruning shears... probably not....
All I could say is it is a decorated dagger with a compasses and possible a level which might also be a shield.. but given the assumed configuration of other symbols.. possibly a level..
The most definitive statement I wold make is "dagger decorated with symbols",
I know that's not much help
@web-boss but more helpful than jumping to a conclusion.
@Winter - did you notice the banner and possible spear in the 6th photo ? A trade fraternity or just a decorated commemorative or group dagger would be my next guess.