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Does a woman have to come to OES first?


Site Benefactor
I must inform you that this link is to a clandestine form of Freemasonry. The fact that it is incorporated means that not only is it clandestine but very likely a scam as well. Beware that this is most definitely not regular Prince Hall Affiliate.
Youre wrong sir. FL pha uses Union amd MS uses Stringer in their names. If you look around alot of the PHA GLs are inc.

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KOP Council director / Lodge instructor
Premium Member
I must inform you that this link is to a clandestine form of Freemasonry. The fact that it is incorporated means that not only is it clandestine but very likely a scam as well. Beware that this is most definitely not regular Prince Hall Affiliate.
Want to put a dollar on that check the history you may also feel free to check the PHA conference of GM's I can assure you MWUGLofFL has a rich history in masonry est. 1870

Derinique Kendrick

Registered User
It's not in Florida jurisdiction I believe Georgia also requires a link to bloodline as we do in Florida as in all things Masonic every state is sovereign good information bro
Last time I looked into it they had to be related to a MM. My wife just joined OES a few months back and could only use me as a reference and not her mother or grandmother.

Glen Cook

G A Cook
Site Benefactor
I must inform you that this link is to a clandestine form of Freemasonry. The fact that it is incorporated means that not only is it clandestine but very likely a scam as well. Beware that this is most definitely not regular Prince Hall Affiliate.
I must inform you that is incorrect. It is is dangerous for the inexperienced to give opinions on regularity.

Mike Hambrecht

Registered User
Want to put a dollar on that check the history you may also feel free to check the PHA conference of GM's I can assure you MWUGLofFL has a rich history in masonry est. 1870[/QUOTE
I apologize. What I was told was that in most circumstances, if it is incorporated it is most likely not regular. However, I will accept that I am mistaken.

Mike Hambrecht

Registered User
I must inform you that is incorrect. It is is dangerous for the inexperienced to give opinions on regularity.

I apologize. I was told that in most circumstances, if a Freemasonry group is incorporated it is most likely not regular. However, I will accept that I am mistaken.

Glen Cook

G A Cook
Site Benefactor
Re: incorporation: you were misinformed. Any number of GLs are incorporated, they just don't have "Inc" in their name.
Do not rely upon what you've been told. I was recently told I was clandestine because my GL didn't accept Mackey's landmarks

Dontrell Stroman

Premium Member
Re: incorporation: you were misinformed. Any number of GLs are incorporated, they just don't have "Inc" in their name.
Do not rely upon what you've been told. I was recently told I was clandestine because my GL didn't accept Mackey's landmarks
I believe brothers go over board concerning the word "clandestine". I understand the seriousness of it, but too often I've noticed brother's call other brothers clandestine due to underlying reasons.


Site Benefactor
I believe brothers go over board concerning the word "clandestine". I understand the seriousness of it, but too often I've noticed brother's call other brothers clandestine due to underlying reasons.
Well i mean technically the 9 southern PHA GLs that dont have recognition of their GLoState counterparts are clandestine to the GLoStates.
Im gonna talk to my Senior Grand Warden and see what our options are to extend recognition to them

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Premium Member
I was told that in most circumstances, if a Freemasonry group is incorporated it is most likely not regular.

What's important is the recognition. Any jurisdiction that has a chain of recognition that includes the UGLE will point to that and they will need nothing else. This can be direct like the MWPHGLofCT being recognized by both GLofCT and UGLE. This can be indirect like MW Union PHGLofFL being recognized by MWPHGLofCT, by the Conference of Grand Masters Prince Hall, but not yet by the UGLE. It's slam dunk in the states that have local recognition - They get their lineage vetted before recognition is approved.

Most recognized GLs do have corporations, though. They need that for tax ID for their office employees, to be able to hold trusts, to be able to register charities and so on. The documentation packet for GLofIL shows their corporate charter for coolness reasons - It was granted by the state legislature before the state even had an office that charters corporations. But other than historical coolness the GLofIL doesn't need to care about having a corporation.

Clandestine jurisdictions don't have recognition other than among themselves, so they need to put the stress on something else. They claim charters where recognized jurisdictions often don't even have charters. GLs grant charters not receive charters in general. They claim a corporate charter because they have one. Recognized GLs generally have corporations but don't care beyond historical curiosity. Recognition is for inside regular Masonry. Corporations are for outside.

So "it depends".

You ask an IT guy a question. What's the answer? "It depends". Doesn't even matter what the question was. Chuckle. The joke works just as well with Brothers.


Premium Member
Well i mean technically the 9 southern PHA GLs that dont have recognition of their GLoState counterparts are clandestine to the GLoStates.
Im gonna talk to my Senior Grand Warden and see what our options are to extend recognition to them

I suggest it's time, but it will be a tough vote in each state. Technically a violation of the sovereignty of the local GLofXX. You'd have to convince the representatives that the time has come to force the issue.

Mike Hambrecht

Registered User
Thank you everyone for correcting me on this. I actually found out, through another source, how to verify by going to either Conferences of Grandmasters Prince Hall Masons, Inc. or my own Grand Lodge for a list of recognized Lodges and Grand Lodges.


Premium Member
I suggest it's time, but it will be a tough vote in each state. Technically a violation of the sovereignty of the local GLofXX. You'd have to convince the representatives that the time has come to force the issue.
There are a group of us from my district and some surrounding districts that are planning to bring the recognition of PHA up at the next GL. One of my best friends here is a WM at a PHA lodge nearby and it stinks I can't even visit his lodge. Hopefully we make some ground on this.

Dontrell Stroman

Premium Member
There are a group of us from my district and some surrounding districts that are planning to bring the recognition of PHA up at the next GL. One of my best friends here is a WM at a PHA lodge nearby and it stinks I can't even visit his lodge. Hopefully we make some ground on this.
My prayers are with you brother as this is something that needs to happen for the image of our craft.