This is great stuff. Thanks Brother Bloke! I am surprised that there were no more comments on this. Most Masons I know can discuss and debate the Origins of Freemasonry ad nauseum. There is always a lot of speculation. Has anyone read the Hiram Key? Or the Regius Manuscripts? 1350 and they talk about Sherriffs and Lords being Masons. None of that has anything to do with a stone mason's guild of laborers. Though there may not be direct ties dating back to the Pharoh Seqenenre, it is entirely plausible that our Craft took ideas and probably even shared men throughout the years to form the Craft.
The concepts absolutely may have been passed down for generations over millennia. Who knows how far back the origins go? I was reading Esoterika by Albert Pike and did not know that he was an Odd Fellow before becoming a Mason. I am sure that throughout history, likeminded people who sought scientific truth would find each other and form groups. And be a part of several various groups at once. One of the PMs at my Lodge used this to explain why Ano Lucis was 4,000 years added to our Gregorian dating system and why we have both dates on our Lodge Charter. Come on! Anybody?