Registered User
Can one be a 'born-again-freemason"? While I'm not "formally" a freemason, I've become quite a fan of Manly P. Hall, and after reading The Path of Freemasonry by Mark Stavish (and a few others), it seems I've been a solitary freemason for decades. Since a single image can be worth thousands of words, I'll wrap it up with one I've shared in the "Inspirational" section:
For what it's worth.
So mote it be.
The Release of Hiram Abiff in the Light of Shekinah
I composed this @ 12 years ago after Shekinah burned "alcohol-ism" from my heart in my 3rd Initiation (of Fire). I recently added the two blue symbols on the bottom after discovering Freemasonry, as it seems a perfect match for the 3rd Degree...
For what it's worth.
So mote it be.