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Registered User
Let's get a roll call going. How is everyone after Ike? We said a prayer for y'all at Stated Meeting last week, and our prayers are still with you.


Registered User
I have many Brothers up here in MA who want to start donations for the lodges hit hardest by Ike. I have contacted the Grand Secretary and he said it may be 3 weeks before any information is available. If anyone hears anything, please post.

Blake Bowden

Staff Member
Didn't touch us in Gonzales, but keep the Galveston people in your prayers. I cannot imagine what they are going through. I know Bro Joey helped hours on end at the Church with many refugees. Both my sisters in Houston are still without power and the eta is the 25th! Ouch!


Registered User
Still Here

We are still without power, but I did drive past our building and from the outside just some siding issues. I believe everyone is ok, at least the one's I was able to get in contact with. (intermitant phone service and all)


Registered User
I've got a friend who is a firefighter here. He had been in Galveston helping with search and rescue. He says it's like Katrina there.


Registered User
well we are still here Tyler area. We still do not have power at home and will not take the wife and daughter home until we get that. We are hearing our area should have power by this weekend. We also got workd today that the wife is to report back to work on Wed and students return on Thurs if power is restored in Nederland over the weekend. The timeline for Beaumont is 100% power back by Oct 6th. I think the mass return of people to the area is slowing recovery efforts but I understand not wanting your house to sit with God only knows who coming and going. There were several people who were looted during Gustav so people are on edge as you can imagine.
We need to remember the Brothers of Bridge City Lodge #1345 . From reports of friends there was about 4 1/2 to 5 ft of water in most homes. I have seen some pictures of businesses that are about 5 blocks from the lodge. I have not checked with any brothers from there but I would guess they took a pretty hard hit...if not a total lost. Also remember the brothers of Winne-Stowell Lodge #1377 , they were even closer to the path of the storm. This is also the "home" lodge of our Most Worshipful Grand Master.
I will let you know of any other news that impacts Masonary as it comes up....but please remember your Brothers down here. We have all been impacted somehow, some more than others. The drive by media has come and gone but this "storm" is far from over.
Thank you for your prayers

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
I was told last night that M:.W:. Tommy's house survived without major damage but that Bro. Brack Jones still has not been able to get to & check on his home. Please keep them and all other Brethren affected by Ike in your thoughts & prayers.


well we dodged the biggest part of the storm.. ! some wind out of the north and lot of limbs blown around but no damage .. ! El Campo is fine.. !


Registered User
I have spoke with the Deputy GM here in MA. All of his family are from TX and most still live down there. I told him if I hear anything concerning the lodges in the Galveston/Houston I will let him know. We will try to start some donations. Please help us with any information.


Registered User
Hey Brothers. Well we just had our 50 & 60 Year Awards and our WM had spoken to a Brother from Bridge City. Bridge City is an area about 20 miles to the East near Orange. This was one of if not the hardest hit areas, 99% of the homes had 2 -8 feet of water in them (only 14 houses in the entire city did not get water in them). Bridge City Lodge is a total loss. They have lost all their records, furniture and building. Like most people in the area, they did not carry flood insurance. Of course this will be a fighting point of the insurance industry...was it a flood or storm surge caused by blowing wind. I can tell you we all say storm surge caused by driving winds. Anyways, that is a discussion for a later day! Bridge City Lodge is going to need the most assistance it seems at this point. I do not know if they have any kind of plan of actioin as what to do. I will keep you all posted as I get information.