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Movie Quote Game


Registered User
I caught one of what I think it is this weekend, but I never heard that line.
Awesome movie, I forgot how good it was.


Registered User
OK, I was watching a totally unrelated movie and in the preview for National Treasure, Book of Secrets came on and that phrase was on the preview.
I swear that it wasn't in the movie, I even went back and scanned through it a second time.
Is that the movie?
Oh yeah, and the 3rd installment hasn't been made yet.


Registered User
National Treasure, Book of Secrets?
I don't undertand why it wasn't actually in the movie I saw. Did you see an extended version or something?


Registered User
It was cut out from the theatrical release, (I believe). I haven't seen "book of secrets" in awhile.

How about; "When I left you I was but the learner. Now I am the master."


Registered User
Star Wars! I just watched it again this weekend with my Nephew. He had never seen the "first" one. He was not impressed, LOL!!!


Registered User
D- What are you drawing?
N- A liger.
D- What's a liger?
N- It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.