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My brisket recipe

Bill Hosler

Registered User
When I smoke brisket this is the recipe I use. I always get rave reviews. The beasn recipe on the same page is good but I found out the dish needs to sit and marinade for a while before you smoke it and serve it

Barbecue University®

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Registered User
Bro Blake been cooking briske6t a long tims and have done a lot of charity cooks and a lot of lodge fund raisers and have cooked as many as three hundred at a time and now have a system that works well for me on one or a hundred . it requires afew things one a good dry rub i use williams (they are out of evergreen Tex.) I rub the brisket the day before and let set over night , next i fire the smoke pit up and let it level out at 250 degrees and put the brisket in with the fat side up. i let it smoke about three hours and check the internal temp , when at about 155 degrees i either wrap or use tin foil pans always set brisket fat side up when traying i add a little lipton soup mix for moisture and flavor about one eight inch in bottom of pan the meat juice will take alot of room, you can stack 2 briskets to a tray cover with tin foil set back in pit for another 3 hours check temp in heavy side when meat themometor slides in easily you can tell by the feel and temp is above 180 up the brisket is done . I am using 12-13 lb brisket usually done in 6-7 hours.I know every one has their own style of cooking brisket this works for me and has for many years and i won't argue with another cook about what is best what works for you is great as long as you and others enjoy it this is for people who don't know how to cook a brisket and are looking for the easiest way that requires just a little common sense oh almost forgot don't keep opening the pit to see what is going on leave the door down except when you have to open it.takes time to reheat every time.I have a few tips on the easiest way i have found to handle big cooks and how to cut a brisket remember i don't care how well the meat is cooked the man with the knife makes or breaks a brisket.