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What should we do with newly made Master Masons?

Bro. Staton

Registered User
I would be honored to be an officer in my lodge.
I am already volenteering, and building all the lodge furniture as a gift.
I have started my journey in the Royal Arch
My wife just petitioned the Eastern Stars and will be initiated on the 31st of this month.
I plan to start visiting other lodges to learn what I am not getting in my home lodge. (Believe me when I say what I am not getting in my own lodge is an understatement)
Please make sure you share pictures of the lodge furniture that you are building. Also keep up the good work!!!

Glen Cook

G A Cook
Site Benefactor
A number of active lodges have full lines and a waiting list. If you don't inform the WM you don't get put on the waiting list. A number of less active lodges have troubles filling their line. One of the duties of the SW in such a lodge is to work with the other pedestal officers approaching frequent attending brothers recruiting to fill next year's line. Between those two extremes there is plenty of room for a brother to "seek" to some extent subject to local traditions of how to go about it.
Thanks. In some jurisdictions we also have prohibitions on "electioneering".


Premium Member
In some jurisdictions we also have prohibitions on "electioneering".

It is very ill advised to read the word "seek" and immediately jump to the unlikely meaning of "electioneering". That's assuming the worst of pretty much everyone.