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healthy eating


Registered User
Yeah they still use DU. Its a funny thing. The VA say "yes you were exposed to DU" and "DU does cause kidney failure" but "this exposure is not responsible for any of the kidney failures". It's basically like telling your wife:" Yes you caught me naked in bed with that woman but I promise we were not having sex".


Premium Member
"Healthy" means it probably won't kill you soon after you eat it. McDonalds is "healthy".
There is not any thing that McDonalds does that will kill you it is the extra carbs you order your self. In the movie supersize me the guy just added more carbs. A lady made a movie right after that that the media did not say any thing about but exlcuded all carbs from her order and lost 20 lbs in a month and reduced her cholesterol by 45 points. So it is not the place and how they cook it but what you order and your knolage about food. The mayo clinic has a high fat diet that they are treating epileptic kids with and stoping seasures. The start of the study was when they were testing levels of fat in pregent women's diet. The women of the study started sueing them because ther kids were being born epileptic. It looks like Lipeds of all type grease the old brain cells.

Just order a ballanced meal at McDonalds like big Mac no fries and un sweet tea and you will loose weight.


Premium Member
It is funny how we all have what we think causes a health problem but it is really a imbalance of things and not any individual. All thinks are bad for us if we only eat that one bad thing. If you eat only leatus you will not have all the vitemums in your system you need and can die. SO should we ban leatus? No we should eat some thing with proten and carb's also.....I think the perimod is wrong it should be a food cylinder not by weght of the food but by calories.

widows son

Premium Member
While you are right on many points bro. Varnell, I think your forgetting what is in the ingredients in the burgers, fries, etc. the burgers are "100% beef" which is a lie. More than half of the burger is bread crumbs or a similar filler, the beef is old dairy cows that have been milked to no end. They're old and stressed, and stress poisons the meat due to hormones and chemicals in the brain that goes along with stress which in turn ends up in the meat, plus the added hormones etc! The fries are a mixture of turnip, rutabaga, and potato, and chlorine to keep them a yellow white. Then they are boiled mashed and put through a press in the shape of a fry, pre fried and flash frozen. I know this because I went to culinary school with a guy who became a corporate chef for McDonald's Canada. I'm not a doctor, but I learned a few things about food science and health in my nutrition and food theory in culinary school. My advice is stay away from fast food. Documentaries can be made to prove or disprove, but the fact remains is that they are bad for you. In moderation its not as bad, but we live in a fast paced world where nobody has time for anything. If you don't eat fast food for a month you will lose weight

widows son

Premium Member
I've heard of that one. I'll check it out. One thing I forgot to mention is that the preservatives are 50% of the battle when it comes to fast food. We literally are becoming a salami, with all the salt, sugar and other chemicals that allows these food items to last long and enhance the taste. MSG for example has no taste. It's a chemical that acts on taste buds which sends a signal to your brain saying " yum! More please!"


Premium Member
While you are right on many points bro. Varnell, I think your forgetting what is in the ingredients in the burgers, fries, etc. the burgers are "100% beef" which is a lie. More than half of the burger is bread crumbs or a similar filler, the beef is old dairy cows that have been milked to no end. They're old and stressed, and stress poisons the meat due to hormones and chemicals in the brain that goes along with stress which in turn ends up in the meat, plus the added hormones etc! The fries are a mixture of turnip, rutabaga, and potato, and chlorine to keep them a yellow white. Then they are boiled mashed and put through a press in the shape of a fry, pre fried and flash frozen. I know this because I went to culinary school with a guy who became a corporate chef for McDonald's Canada. I'm not a doctor, but I learned a few things about food science and health in my nutrition and food theory in culinary school. My advice is stay away from fast food. Documentaries can be made to prove or disprove, but the fact remains is that they are bad for you. In moderation its not as bad, but we live in a fast paced world where nobody has time for anything. If you don't eat fast food for a month you will lose weight

I have been to alot of the feed lots in Pamapa TX where Mcdonalds get there meat from and have sean no storids but antiboitcs are very nessory if you don't want to die. The feed is mostly grains like sorgum and waist corn procucts after removing the oil and sugers. Fast food in it self is not bad it is chousing which of the food to eat. if a carret is sitting next to a beef paty they don't take on each others characteristics. Frozen foods just loose a little of the good stuff that is in them but not everything. To me it all comes down to the calories. protein and fat calories are more per ounce than calories of carbs and when we eat we see all calories by volume not volume/type.

widows son

Premium Member
Right but animals and vegetable have natural nutrients which get destroyed during manufacturing so we create a synthetic nutrient to replace them, and this is very true in wheat flours, and other man made foods. It's is true that a moderate diet is the key. Fast food can be included in this, and like you said bro. Varnell choosing what you eat from those establishments is the best way. But we need to remember that these places aren't interested in health, but profit. I find it interesting that a value meal, that includes a burger fries and a drink is much cheaper than a salad from the same place. also carbs are important but not key. I think it comes down to digestion. If you eat foods that are hard to digest as opposed to one that are easy, you can consume them as much as you want. Raw or cooked vegetables can accumulate the calories but they are so easy to process and digest. Carbs especially man made carbs are much harder to digest and can actually stay in your digestive tract for days. Have you ever made glue in elementary school with water and white bread? Imagine what it's doing in your gut! Meat also can be an issue too. Red meat can do the same damage as man made carbs if too much is in the diet. We are omnivores, and can eat a lot of different foods but we need to be aware of the risks of bio amplification ad manufacturing with preservatives and other chemicals from farming and raising animals for consumption to harvesting and processing for the markets. It's odd that vegetables seem to be the only things that can be consumed without any sort of moderation and not have dire repercussions. But even now we use harsh pesticides and bio engineered seeds that have side effects on our health.


Premium Member
There is not any thing that McDonalds does that will kill you it is the extra carbs you order your self. In the movie supersize me the guy just added more carbs. A lady made a movie right after that that the media did not say any thing about but exlcuded all carbs from her order and lost 20 lbs in a month and reduced her cholesterol by 45 points. So it is not the place and how they cook it

That's incorrect. By simple coincidence, a large proportion of "carbs" at McDonald's are deep fat fried. A baked potato (without the fat-laden toppings) is not some evil device that will kill you.


Premium Member
Right but animals and vegetable have natural nutrients which get destroyed during manufacturing so we create a synthetic nutrient to replace them, and this is very true in wheat flours, and other man made foods. It's is true that a moderate diet is the key. Fast food can be included in this, and like you said bro. Varnell choosing what you eat from those establishments is the best way. But we need to remember that these places aren't interested in health, but profit. I find it interesting that a value meal, that includes a burger fries and a drink is much cheaper than a salad from the same place.

It's not interesting. Frozen meat and white bread keep and ship very well. Fresher salad ingredients do not. Thus, there is more spoilage and higher cost to McDonald's to provide salads.

also carbs are important but not key. I think it comes down to digestion. If you eat foods that are hard to digest as opposed to one that are easy, you can consume them as much as you want. Raw or cooked vegetables can accumulate the calories but they are so easy to process and digest. Carbs especially man made carbs are much harder to digest and can actually stay in your digestive tract for days.

Hello, I'm a biologist. That's a load of nonsense. Vegetables digest SLOWLY, especially raw vegetables. Indeed, a high-vegetable meal probably won't digest before it's expelled through natural means. "Carbs" digest VERY QUICKLY, ESPECIALLY "man made carbs". What is the fastest possible thing to digest? SUGAR! Sugar is the fundamental "carb", from which all other "carbs" are built. Starch, the next "carb" that everyone talks about, also digests extremely quickly, faster than proteins, faster than fats. The order of digestion speed for the three macro-nutrients is carbs are fastest, fats next, proteins slowest. However, this is changed if the nutrients are locked up in intact cells, especially if they are plant cells, with their cellulose (fiber) walls. This slows digestion significantly.

Next, the utter rubbish that food stays in the gut for "days" (or even longer) is a silly old wives' tale that needs to be banished from the common consciousness. It has been well-determined that this does not happen. It doesn't matter how many times my ignorant mother-in-law repeats the nonsense, it's still nonsense.

"Carbs" are not bad, it's OVERLOADING on them that is bad. The reason that vegetables are almost never bad for you is because they contain a mixture of carbohydrates and proteins (mostly carbohydrates--the primary macronutrient in vegetables is "carbs"), but those "carbs" are locked up within cellulose, methylcellulose, hemimethylcellulose, etc., which means we get a feeling of fullness without overloading and our bodies properly digest them (usually--unless you do something silly like eat a pound of cabbage at one sitting).

widows son

Premium Member
I never said they didn't process slowly, I said they are easy to brake down, or process. I also never said that carbs didn't digest fast. When I said digestion was key, I meant how easy it is to digest not digestion time. I think that will explain your old wives take away. Also tell that to my uncle who has has a few colonoscopies and the doctor pointed out to him the spots where decayed food has stuck to his colon. Your points are bang on though, however most fast food places that serve salad have a low food cost to begin with, so salad won't really make a difference in their overall cost, unless nobody buys it and it all goes to waste but I don't think that's the case. Also McDonalds and other fast food places that serve salad get it for much cheaper, and this is especially true with McDonalds as they have shares in farms that grow and raise their products. They aren't losing anymore money than they would with their other products.


Premium Member
What specific survey data do you have to demonstrate that people who go to McDonald's prefer salad vs. fried stuff? I'd love to see those numbers. You sound just like the conspiracy theorists who attack Freemasons.

widows son

Premium Member
The fact that McDonald's serves salad proves that there is a demand for it, also it's a step towards healthier options for people who don't wanna eat deep fried crap. Do not ever call me a conspiracy theorist, EVER, I'm the furthest from one, I look for facts even if it means going against the norm, that's not being a conspiracist, that's being intuitive. You may be a biologist and know how the building blocks of
Life etc work, but what makes you an expert on nutrition? Have you ever learned about nutrition in biology? I have at least been taught by professors and chefs on the subject. What have I said that points to a conspiracy? Mentioning that people like healthier options? Ya the NWO secretly wants people to e healthy. Makes a lot of sense.

widows son

Premium Member
Bro. Varnell, another good way to have a balanced diet is to avoid eating calorie rich foods late at night. I personally don't eat at night at all because I can't sleep after, even if it is something healthier.


Premium Member
The fact that McDonald's serves salad proves that there is a demand for it, also it's a step towards healthier options for people who don't wanna eat deep fried crap. Do not ever call me a conspiracy theorist, EVER

I'll call you a conspiracy theorist as long as you write things like this:

Also McDonalds and other fast food places that serve salad get it for much cheaper, and this is especially true with McDonalds as they have shares in farms that grow and raise their products. They aren't losing anymore money than they would with their other products.

That's 100% conspiracy theory, right there.


Premium Member
What specific survey data do you have to demonstrate that people who go to McDonald's prefer salad vs. fried stuff? I'd love to see those numbers. You sound just like the conspiracy theorists who attack Freemasons.

Actually it is not the fact that it is fried food it is what food that is being fried. The act of frieing food adds very little calories but that is what people focuse on. It is the colaries! The food police did a study that said people that eat freid foods get fatter faster. But they did not look at what food were being fried. If the study that was done a long time ago that was published in JAMA would have included we would be talking about pototatos now and not frying.

And don't get me started on the studies that were published about hydernation of oil's and what the inputs were. All studies you have to look at the inputs as much as the conclution.

Sorry for going off on other subjects but when I started this I was focused why a place was called healthy but all they had was Carbs.


Premium Member
That's incorrect. By simple coincidence, a large proportion of "carbs" at McDonald's are deep fat fried. A baked potato (without the fat-laden toppings) is not some evil device that will kill you.

Please find for me something that show by frying something that it's chemical compastion change? a backed potato of the same wait as a hand full of non-battered fries. Has the same calory content and effects your body the same way. That is why some restrants talk about oil poched food. it is fried but peoples minds don't call it bad.


Premium Member
What specific survey data do you have to demonstrate that people who go to McDonald's prefer salad vs. fried stuff? I'd love to see those numbers. You sound just like the conspiracy theorists who attack Freemasons.

"And every day, McDonald's moves a lot more double cheeseburgers than either salads or the new Premium Chicken Sandwich — most versions of the sandwich have more calories and more sodium than a double cheeseburger. Richard Adams, a former McDonald's executive who now works as a consultant for franchisees, says the average store sells roughly 50 salads a day and 50 to 60 Premium Chicken Sandwiches, compared with 300 to 400 double cheeseburgers from the Dollar Menu."
Not exactly "hard numbers", but I"m sure NYT got them from somewhere reputable. lol

Mickey D's is certainly a major shareholder in several farming industries that output vegetables, meats, and potatoes. Whether that puts them on a "uneven level" in regards to price as compared to other restaurants or their other menu offerings, who knows. I can buy a rabbit food salad for a buck the same as I pay for a hamburger there. Beyond that, my stomach takes over for my brain.