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How to avoid being WM?


Premium Member
The officers of a Lodge must accept the responsibilities of their offices and, at the least, attend stated meetings unless work or family emergencies interfere. If they cannot, they should decline said offices.

Unless you're honest about that and the lodge is disparate for officers. I did that one year during one of my trips through the line. My second time through the line (first time in Illinois) I was going to be traveling for work for half a year. They needed officers so badly I was installed as SD anyways. I attended poorly half the year, well half the year then skipped to the SW chair. Mister Toad's wild ride - SD, SW, WM, WM, TL, JD, JW, consolidate to form a lodge with a healthy line. And a partridge in a pear tree!


Premium Member
As the SW in our lodge, I will be moving to the East in July. I have been studying all of the openings and closings as well as planning my year for a few months now. The issue I have is my line officers below JW. I am going to have to put some men in place that may not be quite ready. This is because some of those that would be more qualified tend to not come regularly. My take on the officers is (1) they must be willing to accept the position and the duties that come with it (2) They must be able to make at least the stated meetings (3) they must be willing to help those behind them to prepare for the next year.
Now, I know that there are circumstances where someone may miss a stated meeting or two and that is fine, however, to miss the meetings because someone just doesn't want top go that night is not acceptable for a line officer, at least for me. Does that mean I am taking my duties and position too serious?

Yep... if the guys coming up behind me aren't ready, it's my job as SW to help them get prepared... by learning the necessary ritual, and coaching through a lot of the tasks they'll have deal with when the time comes along...

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Unless you're honest about that and the lodge is disparate for officers. I did that one year during one of my trips through the line. My second time through the line (first time in Illinois) I was going to be traveling for work for half a year. They needed officers so badly I was installed as SD anyways.
That's an entirely different situation than what the OP described. I had the same experience one year. I was asked to serve as SD during a year in which the then-GM desired DIs to make official visits of our own plus attend every DDGM OV, during which we were to grade each Lodge on their proficiency in the opening & closing ritual and the reception of the DDGM. In my case, that meant 27 visits. I explained my situation to the WM, who stated that he'd like for me to serve regardless, even though I would miss most of their meetings. On that basis, I agreed to serve the best that I could.


Site Benefactor
That's an entirely different situation than what the OP described. I had the same experience one year. I was asked to serve as SD during a year in which the then-GM desired DIs to make official visits of our own plus attend every DDGM OV, during which we were to grade each Lodge on their proficiency in the opening & closing ritual and the reception of the DDGM. In my case, that meant 27 visits. I explained my situation to the WM, who stated that he'd like for me to serve regardless, even though I would miss most of their meetings. On that basis, I agreed to serve the best that I could.
You told them streight out what the circumstances were and they wanted you anyway. Good deal.

Roy Vance

Premium Member
Just like the title says. I've been a Mason for 4 years. I am now JW. I want to support the line up in front of me. I'm in my 20's. I'm a full-time student in college. I lack the respect of my brethren and the wisdom it would take to serve. My being nominated is a matter of lack of membership and members to fill the seats than that of merit. What do I do?

I am going to offer my opinion without reading another post, only because I have been witness to just this circumstance. One of my Brothers was in the West chair and was nominated for the East. This was the Brother's explanation; "I regretfully decline the nomination for the reason that I feel that I am not yet qualified to advance to the East, yet. I am too new a Mason to be ready to be in charge of this Lodge, but, Thank You." If you don't think you would be able to put the amount of time and effort required for the Chair, due to other obligations, then all you should be able to do is decline the nomination. At least I would think so. If it is a matter of not enough active attendance, the current WM could hold over when it is time for you to move to the East, if you really think you are not ready. You could make that suggestion when the time comes.


Registered User
The thing that bothers me is that all my "brothers" belittle me. Because of my age I'm treated like a kid. Even though I do most of the fundraising, reach out to missing brethren, and never miss a meeting.
Bro. J, the "belittle" part is probably good natured jesting of a young member by your elders. I certainty hope it is not meant to be hurtful. Show your maturity by ignoring it and moving on as you feel ready.