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Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
if it is that big of a deal, put the dress code in the by-laws, or leave it alone. If it isn't written down, I don't believe it should be enforceable.:beer:

Even if it IS in the bylaws, it would be unenforceable. It would be contrary to Art. 383 of the GLoT Law and, as such, would be null, void, and of no effect. Any WM who attempted to enforce that bylaw would be subject to Masonic charges for violating Art. 383. Sorry, guys, but that's the bottom line.


Premium Member
Bill - when the horse is dead, quit beating it - we got your position and your approach to mentoring - appears you like the hammer

Blake Bowden

Bill - when the horse is dead, quit beating it - we got your position and your approach to mentoring - appears you like the hammer

This topic has been beat to death and for the sake of Peace and Harmony, is now locked.
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Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
By-laws are approved by the Grand Lodge of Texas, so I'm not sure where that would stand for conflicting with GL.

Sorry it took so long to find it, but here you go (if this works!):

Art. 220. (260). By-Laws: Void if Conflicting with
Constitution or Laws. All by-laws or regulations of a Subordinate
Lodge contravening, or in conflict with, the Constitution or Laws
of the Grand Lodge, shall be null and void and such is the case
even though the Grand Lodge may have approved such by-laws or
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