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Masonic Shooters


Registered User
Figured I would see who enjoys shooting for fun, sport, CCW and collecting. There will be nothing illegal tolerated.

Here is my daily carry

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Premium Member
Sadly, there is no legal carry for pistols by civilians in Maryland. Heck, legally I can't even leave my home with my pistol locked in the trunk of my car unless I can prove I am going to a "recognized shooting event".


Registered User
Sadly, there is no legal carry for pistols by civilians in Maryland. Heck, legally I can't even leave my home with my pistol locked in the trunk of my car unless I can prove I am going to a "recognized shooting event".
That is crazy do you can own one but you can't carry one. So they do not have carry permits our anything? I am in Tennessee so we can carry in the car with no permit but to carry on your person you have to have a permit but you can carry open our concealed with it.

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Registered User
Right that is your right and they should not be able to keep you from carrying a firearm unless you are not legally allowed to own one.

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Premium Member
In Texas we can now carry open or concealed with a permit. I carry concealed as I like the element of surprise. In years past, i shot IDPA matches but when my ammo count got to about 10,000 rounds a year, it got a little expensive and I didn't have time to do any reloading.
As for what I carry and/or shoot, I have, well lets just say several, most of which are on a 1911 platform but I have some XD's, one H&K, and some mouse guns for BUGs. I just hope that when I die, my wife doesnt sell them for what she thinks they are worth ;)


Registered User
Lol yeah that would be terrible she would lose a lot of money

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Site Benefactor

Im gonna play devil advoacte here....the 2nd ammendment reads..."A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" Are you a member of a well regulated militia? It drives me absolutly crazy when i see these youtube vids of idiots walking down the street with a m4 strapped to their back. If I see that and Im carrying we gonna have a stand off till the cops get here. Theres no reason for it. The constitution does not protect your right to carry a gun in public. It protects your right to own them. Now the brohter mentioned Maryland...I have no idea baout their laws. However, if you had an unloaded pistol in a lock box with the Ammo seperate and were pulled over on your way to the gun store and they arrested you, you would win that fight in court all day long.

To my knowledge every state has some kind of menace to society(cant think of a better way to put it).

EX: You think it is legal to carry your loaded M4 on your back down town. Someone sees it and screams "GUN!" and people take off running and some one gets hurt, you will and should be charged for that. You are the one that caused that person to get hurt, kinda like if you drive the get away car for a convience stor robbery and the guy that actually goes in kills the clerk ur getting charged with murder as well.

I am in the Army, I own guns, I carry guns I know how to use them. Most idiots that carry dont. Im not saying that you fine brothers dont know how to use them Im just saying in general.


Premium Member
I love the texturing on the handle.

Read the stories of Lewis and Clark. Both of these men were Brothers. Captains in the regular army, Generals in the militia. In their era the men of every county assembled to drill for a week every summer. Many think it is sad that practice faded away, though the reason why it did has to do with the events and principles involved in the Civil War.

Dontrell Stroman

Premium Member
Im gonna play devil advoacte here....the 2nd ammendment reads..."A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" Are you a member of a well regulated militia? It drives me absolutly crazy when i see these youtube vids of idiots walking down the street with a m4 strapped to their back. If I see that and Im carrying we gonna have a stand off till the cops get here. Theres no reason for it. The constitution does not protect your right to carry a gun in public. It protects your right to own them. Now the brohter mentioned Maryland...I have no idea baout their laws. However, if you had an unloaded pistol in a lock box with the Ammo seperate and were pulled over on your way to the gun store and they arrested you, you would win that fight in court all day long.

To my knowledge every state has some kind of menace to society(cant think of a better way to put it).

EX: You think it is legal to carry your loaded M4 on your back down town. Someone sees it and screams "GUN!" and people take off running and some one gets hurt, you will and should be charged for that. You are the one that caused that person to get hurt, kinda like if you drive the get away car for a convience stor robbery and the guy that actually goes in kills the clerk ur getting charged with murder as well.

I am in the Army, I own guns, I carry guns I know how to use them. Most idiots that carry dont. Im not saying that you fine brothers dont know how to use them Im just saying in general.
Actually I am a member of well regulated militia. I belong to the national guard :) why would you have a stand off just because someone is carrying an assault rife ? It's their legal right to. You have broken the law by having a stand off with them when they haven't done anything illegal. Preventing them from leaving without cause or reason is called "False imprisonment". That is a felony in the stage of Georgia.


Site Benefactor
Actually I am a member of well regulated militia. I belong to the national guard :) why would you have a stand off just because someone is carrying an assault rife ? It's their legal right to. You have broken the law by having a stand off with them when they haven't done anything illegal. Preventing them from leaving without cause or reason is called "False imprisonment". That is a felony in the stage of Georgia.
I dont know that id call the NG a well regulated milita...;).....What i meant was that if some one walked in somehwere I was with my kids and wife and they had an M4( i wont use the term you did as it was a political term dreamed up by the far left) and there was no reason for them to be in there with that rifle and they are just doing it to do it, Im gonna say something and if need be draw on them if i think something nefarious is going down. most of those people would turn tail and run as soon as they were addressed by a real law abiding carring citizen. Those that open carry M4s and what not are looking to get a rise and possibly get grounds for suit against the department that approaches them


Registered User
I love the texturing on the handle.

Read the stories of Lewis and Clark. Both of these men were Brothers. Captains in the regular army, Generals in the militia. In their era the men of every county assembled to drill for a week every summer. Many think it is sad that practice faded away, though the reason why it did has to do with the events and principles involved in the Civil War.
Thanks Brother, they are called Talon Grips I have the rubber version but the original version were made out of a skateboard tape material.

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Dontrell Stroman

Premium Member
I dont know that id call the NG a well regulated milita...;).....What i meant was that if some one walked in somehwere I was with my kids and wife and they had an M4( i wont use the term you did as it was a political term dreamed up by the far left) and there was no reason for them to be in there with that rifle and they are just doing it to do it, Im gonna say something and if need be draw on them if i think something nefarious is going down. most of those people would turn tail and run as soon as they were addressed by a real law abiding carring citizen. Those that open carry M4s and what not are looking to get a rise and possibly get grounds for suit against the department that approaches them
I agree with you to a point. Do I think it looks suspicious to see a person carrying an AR- 15 walking down the road, sure. Is that their right in the state I live in? Yes. I am PRO gun and always have been. I am also a constitutionalist. But I do get what you are saying, it would make me a little worried say if me and my family were out to eat and a guy came in carrying anything larger that a handgun. Although I don't believe the government should have the right to ban them, I think people ought to use some common sense. The ones who actually puts me on high alert is "The Sovereign Citizen Movement"

Dontrell Stroman

Premium Member
I dont know that id call the NG a well regulated milita...;).....

The NG started as a milita. Why would they not still be considered a form of a regulated militia ? Milita -
a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency. We are cilivan soldiers.

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Registered User
I agree with you to a point. Do I think it looks suspicious to see a person carrying an AR- 15 walking down the road, sure. Is that their right in the state I live in? Yes. I am PRO gun and always have been. I am also a constitutionalist. But I do get what you are saying, it would make me a little worried say if me and my family were out to eat and a guy came in carrying anything larger that a handgun. Although I don't believe the government should have the right to ban them, I think people ought to use some common sense. The ones who actually puts me on high alert is "The Sovereign Citizen Movement"
We were taught about the sovereign citizens when I went thru armed security training about 8 years ago and that still has me on high alert and I haven't done security in 3 years now. They are some dangerous individuals.

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Registered User
Im gonna play devil advoacte here....the 2nd ammendment reads..."A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" Are you a member of a well regulated militia? It drives me absolutly crazy when i see these youtube vids of idiots walking down the street with a m4 strapped to their back. If I see that and Im carrying we gonna have a stand off till the cops get here. Theres no reason for it. The constitution does not protect your right to carry a gun in public. It protects your right to own them. Now the brohter mentioned Maryland...I have no idea baout their laws. However, if you had an unloaded pistol in a lock box with the Ammo seperate and were pulled over on your way to the gun store and they arrested you, you would win that fight in court all day long.

To my knowledge every state has some kind of menace to society(cant think of a better way to put it).

EX: You think it is legal to carry your loaded M4 on your back down town. Someone sees it and screams "GUN!" and people take off running and some one gets hurt, you will and should be charged for that. You are the one that caused that person to get hurt, kinda like if you drive the get away car for a convience stor robbery and the guy that actually goes in kills the clerk ur getting charged with murder as well.

I am in the Army, I own guns, I carry guns I know how to use them. Most idiots that carry dont. Im not saying that you fine brothers dont know how to use them Im just saying in general.

In Ohio, according to Ohio Revised Code, every citizen between the ages 17-67 is by law a member of the "unorganized militia," so, the answer to your first question is "Why, yes. Yes I am."

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"The constitution does not protect your right to carry a gun in public. It protects your right to own them.

Apparently you don't understand the meaning of "keep AND BEAR"

It drives me absolutly crazy when i see these youtube vids of idiots walking down the street with a m4 strapped to their back. If I see that and Im carrying we gonna have a stand off till the cops get here. Theres no reason for it.
To my knowledge every state has some kind of menace to society(cant think of a better way to put it).

In Texas, if someone is openly carrying a weapon and YOU, not being a Texas peace officer, pull your weapon and draw down on that person as you state above, YOU are the "menace to society" and will be arrested and charged with "Reckless Conduct" at a minimum. (Texas Penal Code Sec. 22.05(c))

You think it is legal to carry your loaded M4 on your back down town. Someone sees it and screams "GUN!" and people take off running and some one gets hurt, you will and should be charged for that. You are the one that caused that person to get hurt, kinda like if you drive the get away car for a convience stor robbery and the guy that actually goes in kills the clerk ur getting charged with murder as well.

Totally wrong. Perhaps you should sit down with an attorney or someone else well-versed in Constitutional law and get squared away before you get yourself in serious trouble.


Premium Member
From what I understand, I can even have my gun in my lodge in LA now! Our new GM stated he wants everyone to know our lodges ARENT gun free zones so that we aren't prey to any crazies out there.


Site Benefactor
The NG started as a milita. Why would they not still be considered a form of a regulated militia ? Milita -
a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency. We are cilivan soldiers.

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I was being fecicous. i am active Army and have never had a good experience in the numerous time I have worked with the NG, both during training and down range.


Site Benefactor
Apparently you don't understand the meaning of "keep AND BEAR"

In Texas, if someone is openly carrying a weapon and YOU, not being a Texas peace officer, pull your weapon and draw down on that person as you state above, YOU are the "menace to society" and will be arrested and charged with "Reckless Conduct" at a minimum. (Texas Penal Code Sec. 22.05(c))

Totally wrong. Perhaps you should sit down with an attorney or someone else well-versed in Constitutional law and get squared away before you get yourself in serious trouble.

Like i said i was playing devils advocate. The constitution allows you to own and carry Arms, it doesnt specify what types of Arms, or where you can carry them. It speaks of a well regulated militia. Put those two together and it tells me that you can keep and bear those arms for the reason of that militia. I am Pro gun and believe that when you outlaw guns only outlaws will have them.

Well good thing I dont live in Texas, also as Bro Traveling man stated if you walk in anywhere but a place that deals in firearms and firearm accessories, with anything other than a holstered pistol, you are going to make me, a Combat veteran and Active duty Soldier very nervous and I will so what i deem necessary to protect myself, my family and those around me. Its gonna start with a question and then go from there.

Just like the 1st ammendment doenst protect your right to walk in to a crowded building and tell fire or an airport and yell bomb, it doenst protect your right to walk in to a privately owned building with a god damn military style rifle. As stated last night during the debate, people need to have common sense. There is no reason to carry a military style rifle to the shopping mall or to mcdonalds. With all the crazies out there you are asking for trouble. you want to keep it in your truck or car go for it, in fact I am in the process of trying to build a quick release concealed console for an M4 for my 2015 dodge ram.

If you want to do something like that, then do Like CA used to make their fishermen so and have their permit visible. I know not everystate requires permits for their guns but where a tshirt that says, "Hey Jack I just think this gun makes me look cool!" or something like that.