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Pitchforks into ploughshares

Freemasons that have been online in the last few weeks have been discussing the news item that the Grand Lodge of Tennessee expelled two active members of the fraternity for the presumed violation of the Masonic Code, which prohibits, in part, homosexual behavior. I would like to take the opportunity to mention that I’m very […]

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Premium Member
As always, he's got a good point.... but should a nieghbour stay silent when the man next door beats his wife and children ? When should one be silent ? When does one need to speak up ? I believe in respect, but I've also written some strong words on this.... I think one irate brother confeming this does more for the Craft, our current and future brothers, than those who reasonably try to argue this is okay.


Premium Member
The issue for Tennessee seems to be that homosexuals are necessarily devoid of moral worth. This is a difficult argument when the brethren have already been assessed by their lodge as upright men suitable for initiation.

I suggest we may be obliged to support all brethren of good will, regardless of whom they love.



Premium Member
but should a nieghbour stay silent when the man next door beats his wife and children ?

Incidentally abusers are extremely good at hiding their activities. It happens all the time that a wife beats a husband or vice versa and even the next door neighbors don't know.

The situation with GA and TN comes with a set of conflicts of values. Their jurisdiction their rules. Lodge is supposed to be a sanctuary from oppression. Religious moral judgments. Lodge is supposed to be a haven from religious moral judgments. Notice few/no calls for pulling recognition.


Site Benefactor
We discussed this last night at our meeting and our GL is next week. We decided that one of the representatives from our lodge will stand at GL and make a motion that our GM sends a letter to both TN and GA condeming this action, not the GL as a whole but just this particular action.

Remember Brothers there are to sides to every coin. We are getting word that this action was taken strickly due to the fact that they are gay, maybe there is more to it and they were doing something that even heteros would have gotten in trouble for.........
think of the issues with black lives matter debacle. They claim these people get shot just cause they are black, when in reality they got shot cause they were commiting a crime. same thing here maybe there is more to it, maybe not.