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Blake Bowden

In order to become a member of the GLofTX one has to be a Past Master correct? Also, is there a limit on how many resolutions one can submit to be voted on at Grand Lodge?


I am 99.9% sure that you are a member of the GLofTX and that only current or Past Masters can vote. This little snippet is taken from the GL website guidelines page.

Activities that are listed as “OPEN TO THE PUBLIC” are appropriate to announce Lodge Officers Installation, Ladies nights and other related activities. However, listings as "OPEN TO ALL MASONS", or any other wording that may be construed as such, should not be used. Instead, these should be listed as “OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS”.


Premium Member
Premium Member
In order to become a member of the GLofTX one has to be a Past Master correct? Also, is there a limit on how many resolutions one can submit to be voted on at Grand Lodge?

Check out Article II on page 43 of the Law Book.

I don't know how many resolutions you can submit but the process is in Art. 172. Resolutions: Law Changes; Charter Petitions.
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Premium Member
Section 1. – Members and Representatives.
The Grand Lodge of Texas is composed of the following members and representatives of Lodges:

(a) The Grand Officers, elective and appointive, in this Constitution provided, during their respective terms of office.
(b) The Past Grand Masters, Past Deputy Grand Masters and Past Grand Wardens of the Grand Lodge of Texas, while members of Lodges of its obedience.
(c) The regular Past Masters of Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Texas, while members of Lodges of its obedience.

(d) The Masters and Wardens of all the chartered Lodges of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Texas, or the proxies of such Lodges who may be elected by such Lodges to represent them in the next succeeding Communication only of the Grand Lodge, and who, during such Communication, and in the absence of the Master and Wardens thereof, shall be entitled to cast the vote of their respective Lodges on all questions arising in the Grand Lodge, provided that each proxy must be a member of the Lodge he represents, and a resident of the State of Texas.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
Yes, as stated above, one must be a Past Master of a Texas Lodge to be a member of the Grand Lodge. Resolutions may be submitted for consideration @ Grand Lodge by either a Past Master of a Texas Lodge or in the name of a regularly chartered Texas Lodge. AFAIK, there is no limit on the number of resolutions which may be submitted.

Only a representative of the Lodge proposing the resolution or a Past Master may address the Grand Lodge regarding the resolution in question.
See Art's. 172 & 172a.

Bill Lins

Moderating Staff
Staff Member
I am 99.9% sure that you are a member of the GLofTX and that only current or Past Masters can vote.

Oh, were it only that simple! ;-)

At Grand Lodge, all Past Masters in attendance have one vote each. Lodges have 3 votes, which they may exercise in the event that a vote "of Lodges & Members" is called for.

If the WM is present, he votes for the Lodge. If he is not present, the privilege goes first to the SW if present, then to the JW. If none of them are present, then the Brother holding the Lodge proxy votes. If that Brother is a PM, he thus controls 4 votes- his own plus the 3 belonging to the Lodge. As a Brother can represent only one Lodge, he can control a maximum of 4 votes.

Clear as mud, what? See Art. 3 of the GL Law and Art. VII, Sec's. 1 & 2, of the Constitution of the GLoT (in the front of the Law Book).


I understand who can vote. I guess I just took it that since I pay dues and part of those dues go to GL that I am a member of GL that can not vote. I guess I miss understood the snippet on the GL website.


Registered User
Past Masters in Texas have a very special privilege. While the original Constitutions of the Mother Grand Lodge of the World included PM's as members, many American GL's do not extend membership to them. Many GL's take the view that only a Lodge can be a member of a Grand Lodge. Fortunately for us, the Texas founding fathers were concerned with two things - tradition and supervision.


Premium Member
Yes as stated above on must be a Past Master, I am not sure about the number of resolutions, I have one to be read this year.