I will admit that I have not read the Koran myself, I can only say what I was taught by my superiors while I was in country. One of the things that they told us was that the religious leaders would bend what the Koran said when teaching their followers to benefit themselves, so it may very well be that it says nothing of killing the infidels.
The religious extremists do. We had to leave our first church growing up because the pastor started preaching "separation of the tribes" wafter his son took up with a Black woman. It's scripture based. A scripture based perversion of Christianity and the scripture it came from. It's a popular one too, and I guarantee there are people who harbor ill will towards "Christianity" because it's "what is taught."
By the way, I am no bigot, I am just ignorant . I do not descriminate in any way against anyone, until they give me reason to, and then it is only toward that particular person. I have no hatred toward the muslims.
One day I'll write a book about the bigotries I've held through ignorance or influence. (no, really)
You speak of the common objections of Christianity - you do realize who originally wrote the bible, correct? I would like to see where in the bible it said that all those things were ok or encouraged.
hmmmm... After my experience at the one church and seeing and few others while watching apartheid fall apart (and becoming aware of the doctrine of the churches there and our own large denominational relationships with them) - I used to have the hobby of being able to explain everything via scripture.
The whole point, of course, is that the argument is a false one. A purposefully perverted one meant to fulfill a personal desire.
We could start a thread on such scriptures (usually found on atheist FAQs or sites easily, but there are some lesser known ones. SNakes handlers and such, of course, take one or two scriptures and let them dominate their whole approach to the religion (I suspect we all might to some degree).
Here's a good example: Matthew 24:17
Delivered in a sermon telling women they should where their hair up in buns. That all "top knots come down"
The military does not bury servicemembers. The remains are sent back to their family and the family buries them.
Right - but do Jewish members for instance have their wishes respected for autopsy, etc? I expect chaplains pay attention to them.
I dont think you came off as harsh at all, however, you have twisted what I said once again.....I did not say that a verse from the Koran would be ignored, I said that I don't think that it would cause as much of a stir as the bible verses are.
Two words - Glenn Beck. Come on. One thing I respect about the right is they have balls and a well oiled media machine.
We'll be hearing people emphasize "Hussein" in Obama's full name for probably a few more generations.
By the way, these verses are not on the side of rifles. It is on the side of the optic (detatchable scope) which does not "have" to be used.
Right - which actually concerns me more. Nobody seems to ever point out that all of the scriptures seem to refer to light and sight and vision.......
The very literal and secular meanings - which is about sight. But the problem is everyone keeps it wholly religious..