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What Is The Point of Masonry?

  • Thread starter Melekh ha-Mashiach
  • Start date

Melekh ha-Mashiach

What is the purpose of FreeMasonry?
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Bro. Stewart P.M.

Lead Moderator Emeritus
Staff Member
The purpose of Freemasonry is "To make good men Better". This is accomplished by teaching these "good men" the key principal tenets of brotherly love, relief, & truth which are taught through a system of lessons (degrees) and symbols.
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Registered User
If a brother is having hard times, he knows his brothers will be there to assist him, thus "relief".


Premium Member
I think the "point" of Freemasonry is what it stirs in the heart of each and every member and is individual. For some it is relief, others truth, knowledge or companionship. We make good men better by touching the inner man in a way that enhances his inner being and makes him want to be better. What is the point? What is the secret? Although we have many examples of good works done by the Craft for all to see, the real point and secret is inside the safe and sacred repository of a faithful breast and is unique to each Brother.


Premium Member
Recent Update: Member Melekh ha-Mashiach has been blackballed from MoTX. He made a few posts (not this one) that were questionable in nature. When contacted by staff it became very obvious he had questionable motives for his posts. We hold respect towards other members to be the highest priority of this site and felt that Melekh ha-Mashiach was not on the site in search of further knowledge but instead wanted to make a mockery of Freemasonry. We will leave this post active because we feel it could serve a purpose for other readers whom of which may not be a Mason.


Registered User
Masonry brings brothers from many different social status, religions, & occupations to make us one. Go back through your work and you'll find the point.


Registered User
Great job policing the forum, I kinda felt it coming with the short reply "relief". If the question was indeed an honest one, more detailed questions would have been posted. I knew the purpose of free masonry before i even registered. We come here in search of knowledge and to take it a step further in embarking on our journey and asking for contact points or to be among others with like minds.