C. Banks Barbee
Registered User
tough situation. wiser men than me need to deal with it.
Right? Same boat JTM.
tough situation. wiser men than me need to deal with it.
My Lodge has 66 members and not very much money. I guess we should shut the doors, we have been active for 130 years but so what.
Lol, yeah, good catch. Too many urban lodges, and not enough rural members.
My Lodge has 66 members and not very much money. I guess we should shut the doors, we have been active for 130 years but so what.
It is a catch Brother Shelton, but one that we need to look at and determine how to correct the situation.
If a lodge where to fail and have to be closed it would be nobodies fault but the members. It is the same as taxes of our goverment if we decide not to pay someone will come get our stuff. Same thing here if a lodge breaks GL law or cannot pay their masonic taxes then they have to be shut down no matter how many years they have been around. These rules I did not make just took the obligation to uphold them. As said before though all Brothers I am sure would love to see all Lodges continue and thrive no one wants to close doors but just as life somethings have to die.
With that in mind, have any of these lodges in arrears contacted the LAMP committee and requested assistance? There are channels out there to seek help. Are they being used?
I really believe there is a misunderstanding. I was asking "Where does he get off...." because it was a funny title. I knew something gave the GM power to allow lodges not to go suspended I just wanted to know. As far as the statement of manditory 3 meetings you took that out of another thread and it is totally taken out of context. That was stated for brainstorming, and even states that. I know it would never work but the question was asked what is the proper size of a lodge. It was a hypothetical question so it got a hypothetical answer.
We seem to all agree on the same thing here. Agreed?
we dont need more men and lodges in Texas Masonry. we need more MASONRY in the men and lodges of Texas.
I submit that if a lodge only has a handful of dues paying members and they cant come up with $14 each to pay GL, masonry in that lodge died well before the dues issue came up.
That is a load of BS. Wiser men don't need to do anything but follow the law as it is written in our blue book on this one. Close the doors, plain and simple.
follow the law as it is written in our blue book on this one. Close the doors, plain and simple.
I want to help and save them all but why would we save something that does not really want to be saved.